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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. 2/3rds correction, back up and closed the window. Interesting to see which direction of the window price closes on today. 💡
  2. Looks like Mercury you were right about the drastic decline in this case - let's count the waves (the drop at the end is wave C right?)
  3. @Mercury So you think it's more likely to get to $84 than $56? Crikey.
  4. Short term dip in prices presenting an opportunity for institutional investors to buy bargains at the bottom.
  5. What does EWP tell us? It's no good waiting for the event to happen before calling it. That's called hindsight
  6. It's pretty much sh@t out its entire bowels in the last two days.
  7. Apple earnings beat. Another case of 'too good to be true' turning out to be true after all.
  8. Position sizing is actually the easy bit. If TA doesn't really work then you have no hope, and it will be death by a thousand cuts. It might even be better to blow it all in one go as this saves you from a slow miserable death.
  9. As Chris B said yesterday, even if DJIA falls another thousand odd points it's still in an uptrend. Looking to buy bargains at the bottom.
  10. @CharlotteIG Mercury is probably right and there's a relief rally right now, and there will be more downside. Sooo ... now is probably not the ideal time to be buying the dip
  11. Yes, call options are a great idea for that reason. Would love to see call options available for everything on the leveraged platform The downside to you is less money on commissions, right? As people aren't getting stopped out by those stupid spikes.
  12. U.S.A. sellers buying the dips so far 🥳
  13. Not really ... 52% out of 75% of eligible voters wanted out of the EU and it excluded young adults. A majority of the public favour nationalization of the railways and public utilities.
  14. Yes I've read Kahneman's book too, it is rather plodding and quite common sense stuff really. It's in the vein of 20th/21st century science, which is basically validating with evidence things that people knew to be true already for centuries. What's the word, empiricism? I prefer dialectics.
  15. So if Labour doesn't turn into the Conservative Party-lite (as it did under the war criminal and serial liar Blair), then England will always be ruled by the Conservative Party. So England will either be ruled by the Conservative Party or the Labour party acting like the Conservative Party. Perfect Capitalism is and always will be prone to crises - they are the irrational rationalizers of an irrational system (David Harvey).
  16. Whatever you do, don't hold any overnight positions (unless you've bought options)
  17. Ride it down then take advantage of the bargains at the bottom 🥳
  18. Consider a gold call option, that way you won't get stopped out by spikes to the downside 😎
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