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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Zut alors, Samwise Gamgee - it's a correction all right 😱 The slightest excuse and the indices and commodities sell off like a MoFo. Buy and hold is only for people who are willing to wait it out for five years or more and only look at the charts once every six months ... or buy options ... not for people who are using stop losses ...
  2. 🤔 Hmm, well at least there is the 'option' to trade options even if it is a bit awkward doing it that way. (People my age don't like to use the phone, we like to do everything online. )
  3. As for SILVER it will be 1900 just shortly!!!
  4. It's going to zoom past 1600 within a couple of months
  5. 'Whether he likes it or not he has to participate in the game' - hahaha international financial capitalism will rule the world for all time. The big sharks will always eat the little fish
  6. 😉 https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks-weekahead/wall-street-week-ahead-hopes-are-high-for-tech-stock-cadillacs-so-are-their-prices-idUKKBN1ZN24Hhttps://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks-weekahead/wall-street-week-ahead-hopes-are-high-for-tech-stock-cadillacs-so-are-their-prices-idUKKBN1ZN24H
  7. An exciting week up ahead, bonnie loons 😎
  8. The weekend indices are sinking: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-health/more-than-2000-now-infected-with-coronavirus-56-dead-in-china-idUKKBN1ZP02D
  9. Next week there is an enormous deluge of earnings releases. So is it wise to keep any positions open overnight on any of the indices? 🤔
  10. We'll all be so blazed we won't mind 😎
  11. You might just be a disciplined trader. I have overtraded to an extreme degree, but comparison to your 70 odd trades. (I've done a couple thousand by comparison, hence why IG tolerates me on here haha :P)
  12. The big fat stupid idiot Boris Johnson is planning on using another kind of 'leverage' to 'force' people to accede to England's demands. Rule Britannia and all that b0llocks. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-trade-usa/uk-to-use-high-tariff-threat-to-raise-pressure-in-trade-negotiations-the-times-idUKKBN1ZO01Y
  13. Hmmmmm .... yes indeed. Not good 😢
  14. Here comes the morning star, bonnie loons 🤓
  15. The markets are selling off HARD ... get ready to buy the bargains at the bottom
  16. @CharlotteIG It's been said a few times that one can trade options in stocks and other things over the phone, where they are not listed on the platform. Can you describe how that works? When I phone up I take it someone will read out a list of numbers to me, strike price and end date and buy/sell prices and all the rest, and ask for a bet size etc? What happens once I do this - does a chart then appear on my platform so I can follow it and close the trade when I like or do I again have to phone to do these things?
  17. Options, Eileen, options! Limits your downside risk 🥳
  18. Heading back down to the pivots, and oil dropping again 😱
  19. Do what I do and move your stop around frequently
  20. The UK can become an offshore casino and offer spreadbetting to people from all over the world
  21. Check Reuters or something similar:
  22. This kind of thing happens all the time buddy. Haven't you noticed it in other brokers' platforms? (I haven't used anything but IG)
  23. Would you buy back in at this point, after coffee has taken a huge dump?
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