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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Watch the video - absolute cringe: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-trade-china/china-u-s-sign-initial-trade-pact-but-doubts-and-tariffs-linger-idUKKBN1ZE0ID
  2. Lol there are 2.5 hours approx left ... don't call it a day yet
  3. Dax is holding strong at 23.6%, implying there's a nice wave up to come
  4. It's picking up now. Speculators upping their long bets
  5. FTSE 100 shallow 38% correction? 🤔
  6. Zut alors, Samwise Gamgee 🐮
  7. What if the t*rd's 'amazing deal' is a great big nothingburger? I don't really have the stomach for Trump-watching. 😵
  8. The U.S. indices are all testing support this morning 😎
  9. There are no futures offered for the cannabis index. It's a problem. Might be worth finding the corresponding ETF (if there is one) and buy real shares, but it would have to be with another broker because IG are puritanical middle England types.
  10. Yep, sh!t-for-brains is going to pull the same stunt this year - 'phase 2'. Like a true mob boss https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-global-markets/stocks-slip-ahead-of-u-s-china-trade-deal-signing-idUKKBN1ZE032
  11. I didn't think about the overnight funding charges. Yes you're right.
  12. Let's see a pullback to here before we get nice and long, eh Tabitha?
  13. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-oil-prices-kemp/column-oil-prices-expected-to-stay-around-65-70-through-2024-idUKKBN1ZD1TW
  14. I've got a long position on and I want to treat it like an investment (forget about it for months or even several years), except maybe to add positions over time Now this looks good, I need some of those magic mushrooms.
  15. Nothing disheartens me more than seeing a chart of a stock that's already taken off. I still wouldn't buy at this point.
  16. Is it going to fall beneath $300? 🧐
  17. Pound strength then is it? Must be advanced-perspective insight that predicts higher interest rates after the imminent rate cut
  18. When I look at FX I just see see-sawing up and down ... I wouldn't trade any FX pairs except maybe USD/Yen
  19. If the t*rd loves it so much that's as good a reason as any to steer well away from it
  20. Would like to see this scrapped. Might happen when there's more competition. https://robinhood.com/
  21. It would have, and a long position with a stop beneath 400 would be more appropriate now. But with hindsight anyone can be an expert.
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