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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Don't worry, the t*rd in chief will start his phase 2 BS come February and we can have another year of the same. Oh, and the Brexit bull-locks will flare up again at the same time.
  2. So ... did you ever actually manage to make any money from trading? And if so, did you beat the 'buy and hold' approach?
  3. That's a nice whirlwind tour of some of the more effective TA techniques.
  4. How peculiar ... 🤔 Maybe we should be using CFDs instead of 'spread betting' ... as it's more 'professional'
  5. ALL RIGHT. I'll get my nose back to the grind stone and work on a plan
  6. I'll be perfectly honest with you here, and tell you I think it's a total crock of sh!t (day trading). I'm even ashamed of myself for thinking it was possible at one time.
  7. I don't have the capital to earn a living from trading either. 😮 Making a couple of hundred pounds a day from trading is only possible if you already have a lot of money to play with. You can easily lose a couple of hundred a day though.
  8. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-markets-risks-analysis/stretched-tech-stocks-leave-some-investors-seeking-off-ramp-idUKKBN1ZC14H best to just keep your spare cash under the bed ... pay off the mortgage and blow the rest on wild women and booze
  9. So if you'd just bought an S&P 500 ETF and reinvested the dividends you would have ridden out the troughs and your capital would not only have been preserved but appreciated handsomely, the longer you held it. Everything I read on here leads me to suspect that traders are gamblers who lose money trying to beat 'buy and hold', and they fail over and over and over again and just never learn.
  10. What about the marked deterioration in living standards (i.e. life outside the markets) that comes with all crashes and recessions? We have to buy the dips because companies generate all the wealth and jobs (apparently). If companies can't get funding there will be nobody to create jobs and build stuff
  11. I must say, this capitalism business seems to be full of fraud, corruption and constantly prone to crisis. Can't humanity invent a better system?
  12. Yes, that and overtrading in a ranging market which is one of my biggest failings.
  13. UK GDP weak, BoE rate cut, short GBP and long FTSE 100 😻 https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-economy/uk-annual-economic-growth-slows-to-weakest-since-2012-in-november-idUKKBN1ZC0S9
  14. Have you had any 'luck' trading FX? Total effing disaster for me. I'm toooooo stoooopid
  15. 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!' - well that and huge blazing fires, climate change, and a few other things
  16. Hindsight makes us all look like geniuses 😻
  17. The horse has already bolted. I think you'd be bonkers to buy at this price😵
  18. 🤔 All of the FTSE 250 stocks have stupid spreads in the SB/CFD platform. I guess the only way is to buy the shares for real.
  19. If Bernie Sanders becomes president, the stock market will tank. But it will be a blessing for all the non-billionaires
  20. I like your analysis, but I see the opposite - there's significantly more upside to come. The 'oversold' indicators are nowhere near the dot.com levels and there's too much at stake for a huge pullback. It might happen if Bernie Sanders becomes president though
  21. Hahaha I need more drugs from my doctor.
  22. I hate everything ... Even traditional buy and hold investing is full of fraud and scandal. I'd love to see decent interest rates so we could go back to 'gold old fashioned' bonds which are used to fund productive infrastructure and business, instead of gigantic international swindles.
  23. Interesting to note that WWI and WWII are still glorified as great victories in the old capitalist nations (especially England) that were part of the system that created the mass destruction of life in the first place, with on going repercussions to this day in the 'ex-colonies' like India/Pakistan and much of Africa.
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