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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. So Friday ended up a downer for the indices after an entire day of going nowhere slowly, and the day-end candle is a bearish engulfing. How anybody makes a 'living' from this voodoo cr@p is completely beyond me. Unless they are working for Goldman Sachs.
  2. I've been working on how to find a system that 'works'. To that end I've been studying TA as time allows. I've tested a few systems out extensively and not a single one of them works reliably, although charts always make sense AFTER the fact. So, I feel like telling someone to build a system that works is pretty much about as good as telling them to buy a lottery ticket - maybe the odds of winning the jackpot are even higher. You know the real reason there are so many 'indicators' and 'patterns' in TA? Because they are all EQUALLY USELESS
  3. Maybe he'd be wondering why people are stupid enough to still be doing the same sh!t almost 100 years later. 'Doing other things instead' - oh how I wish we could all do that and get free of the shackles of international financial capitalism aka 'the great swindle'.
  4. Hoping for a day-close above 29000 haha
  5. Corporate Democrats and the Republicans are merely two cheeks of the ****
  6. A wee bit action starting now, Samwise Gamgee
  7. Yes, I remember them from my childhood days. They charged extortionate prices on their little metal figures, their magazines and range of paints. And they changed the rules and figure sets all the time forcing people to buy new stuff. Now I think they get most of their money from licensing their IP to video games. They have always been extremely tight-assed, penny-pinching and mean - not surprised that they are very profitable!
  8. The 'talk' according to Reuters is that dollar will be strong in 2020 and the Euro might pick up in 2021. 😮
  9. Made a bouncy-bouncy off resistance-****-support 😻
  10. Free market 'classical liberalism' certainly isn't the answer - neither are deregulation and privatization, both of which have been proved disastrous in recent years. For example, per Adam Smith, if you read his Wealth of Nations you find he wasn't in favour of nearly half as much of the BS that 'classical liberals' advocate for in his name. Even Ricardo acknowledged the labour theory of value.
  11. I'm not looking for a crash, I'm looking for some movement (either way)!
  12. My strong conviction is that the world's elites will not allow another recession because the public are still angry about 2007/8: https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-inequality-poll/majority-of-americans-favor-wealth-tax-on-very-rich-reuters-ipsos-poll-idUKKBN1Z9141 If there's another 'big crash' then socialists and fascists will sweep to power all over the West.
  13. Forget it ... closed out everything. Going nowhere. Indices hardly moving after NFP came in well below estimates.
  14. There's no possible way Boeing will fall that far, at least on this side of the apocalypse. Not that I don't think it deserves to, but America is far too corrupt (politically as well as in the corporate world).
  15. Yes, USD/JPY is charging ahead 🥳🐮
  16. The Nasdaq tech 100 is a stormin' Norman 🥳
  17. Looking for EUR movement (dollar getting stronger?) and seeing if crude oil will pick up again. Looking out for a chance to get back in on gold or silver as well. Nothing seems to be moving though lol except EUR/USD.
  18. No movement this morning ... slow day
  19. Oh right. All it takes is to build a validated system. Simple enough then
  20. FTSE 100 itself is doing well just now so ... it makes more sense to go long on the index itself rather than one individual (and relatively expensive) constituent share price.
  21. Maybe I'll just whack some cash in my share dealing account and have a go then This is useful for those small-caps that aren't available in SB ... surely.
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