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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. https://www.babypips.com/learn/forex/know-that-currency-correlations-change Sounds bad? Sounds even worse than trying to get a job and keep it.
  2. He's clearly appealing to a select few of the American electorate, most of them have less than $400 in savings
  3. I am, however, interested to learn the truth. The truth is fearless. 😎 The truth is also: most IG clients are suckers and you should bet against them; and that most day traders fail miserably. What else is true, I wonder? Reminds me of the job selection process. 1000 applicants, 999 rejected! I wonder if a day trader's odds are any better than a job seekers'.
  4. dmedin


    Announcement is one to look out for, bonnie loons.
  5. Call it investing, trading, gambling, swindling, or tap dancing with polar bears - call it whatever the gosh darnit you like. It's all about making money and that's all that counts!
  6. A career? No way. Making better returns on investment is the only realistic goal. Who has the capital to 'day trade' for a living? I am still not convinced anyone can do that unless they are commanding huge sums of money and happy to live by the seat of their pants. Not good. No wonder most 'day traders' are hustling for additional cash in various places.
  7. @Caseynotes I'm not convinced that day trading is better, considering how treacherous it is to short the U.S. Far better to add to positions on dips. These, again, you'd buy and hold. So it might be worthwhile to study charts and try to find bottoms and dips (trending). I'm not talking about client sentiment and trying to call tops.
  8. Crude oil is sinking today. These spikes up are treacherous.
  9. In the (old-fashioned) share trading platform, it looks like you can sell shares that you don't own. Is that possible? And ... options on individual shares?
  10. In retrospect there are some clear signs of bottoms and tops forming, triple MA crossovers, RSI, candle patterns, gaps, the lot 😻
  11. dmedin


    Likely when Bernard Sanders becomes president and the billionaire class throw their toys out the pram. But the will of the people shall be done, 'the voice of God hath spoken'.
  12. What concerns me as I look back on the charts is that I didn't buy and hold at that point. Surely that's better than nipping in and out, day trading on pivots?
  13. I'm open to trading all things except cyrpto. FX seems to have rules of its own though that I haven't fully worked out.
  14. Cripes, they should come and read this forum ... although with that being said, I did get burned holding open positions when the Iran thing happened. Seems like a bit of an unpleasant time to be trading with sudden bursts up and down.
  15. Ah but I was doing it all wrong, that's why
  16. dmedin


    Who would be brave enough to buy at this point? 🤔
  17. Wouldn't touch GBP/USD with a barge pole any more. Starting to think that way about all FX pairs.
  18. For real? I can't believe anyone would fall for that. Sigh.
  19. All right then back to pivots
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