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1 hour ago, Caseynotes said:

As I've already said many times, I really don't care what you think. If you don't like it that's too bad.

It is not about you or me. There are plenty of users that read this forum and I just want them to double check your posts. 

So where is that URL that backs your screenshots? I can tell there isn't one, otherwise you would have posted it already.  

Too bad, you are exposed again. 

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11 minutes ago, jlz said:

It is not about you or me. There are plenty of users that read this forum and I just want them to double check your posts. 

So where is that URL that backs your screenshots? I can tell there isn't one, otherwise you would have posted it already.  

Too bad, you are exposed again. 

yes you're right I normally do post sources, the difference now is I don't waste time on your diversionary bull*hit.

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Vaccine Passports.

UK House of Commons  @HouseofCommons

Also confirmed: • Urgent question from @amcarmichaelMP "To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office if he will make a statement on the government plans for COVID vaccine passports" Follow the Chamber in real time: now.parliament.uk


The problem is of course that the govts don't listen to the people, they just follow the Davos globalists.



The EU has introduced a new ‘digital’ ID. Here’s what it means for you. – POLITICO



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''When the hospitalization rate is 70% of the pre-vaccine period in a time when 85% of eligible people are fully vaccinated, people should look around and ask some tough questions.''   David Usharauli @3DiMMUNE




Bloomberg - Bloomberg


Boosters of the same vaccine are of course pointless when the vaccinated have caused these vaccine resistant variants.

As should have been the case right from the start those at least risk of covid harm (the under 75s with no comorbidities) should have been allowed to gain herd immunity for everyone.

Natural immunity is still the only realistic course of action but that was never going to lead to vax passes and digital IDs with a social credit scoring system was it.




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''Imagine if the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) hadn’t seen Pfizer’s trial data before granting Emergency Use Authorisation to their product. That should be a huge scandal, right?

Yet it is so, as @Drs4CovidEthics show here:''

Regulation or Racket? UK Drug Regulator Never Inspected the Pfizer Vaccine Study Data – Doctors for COVID Ethics (doctors4covidethics.org)


Meanwhile in Australia, yes we know how it works, seen it all before.




Back in the UK Covid19 Assembly @C19Assembly

'60 British doctors and scientists ask the four UK Chief Medical Officers to "First do no harm" in open letter about the vaccination of 11-15 year olds.'

60 British doctors and scientists ask the four UK Chief Medical Officers to “First do no harm” in open letter about the vaccination of 11-15 year olds – Covid19 Assembly


Dr Clare Craig @ClareCraigPath 

There's enough known about the risk of myocarditis after vaccination than informed consent would require information about that risk. Evidence of protection of others (spread) is weak at best. 

Their risk from covid is minimal; statistically ZERO.


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"If you've had two vaccines, you're six times more likely to catch Covid than someone who has just had Covid." NHS GP Dr Renee Hoenderkamp says it is "morally wrong and scientifically wrong" to give children the Covid jab.  talkRADIO  @talkRADIO



'Children cannot receive Calpol or Sunscreen from a teacher without a parent's say-so!' Broadcaster Beverley Turner says 'millions of parents feel scared', at the news that the government will allow children to overrule their parents and get the Covid jab.  GB News  @GBNEWS



Australia reporting experience with #SARSCoV2 infections/outbreaks in educational settings during their delta wave. Lots of data here, but this struck me: Risk of transmission from a case in school, 4.7%. Risk of transmission to a household member, 70.7%  Shamez Ladhani @ShamezLadhani


NCIRS NSW Schools COVID_Summary_8 September 21_Final.pdf

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'The wheels are falling off the “vaccines are our ticket to freedom” argument. It is becoming clear that the Covid vaccines are “leaky”. They do not stop the vaccinated from acquiring the virus, particularly the now dominant Delta variant, and they do not prevent them from transmitting the virus. Moreover, the protection they do provide is likely short-lived, perhaps just six months.'

The Fallacy of Covid Vaccines and Transmission - Daily Declaration (canberradeclaration.org.au)

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Australian politicians are just reading straight off WEF great reset cue cards now.




If the global elite gets its way, draconian Covid controls will be a warm-up act for totalitarian "climate change" policies that will severely restrict the mobility of ordinary people and crush their standard of living. 

Richard Wellings @RichardWellings  1h

Terence Corcoran: From vaccine passports to personal carbon passports: Get ready for CLIMATE-21 fossil fuel virus lockdowns | Financial Post




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....and Queue Biden just now.

This is a Pandemic of the Unvaxxed.  The Unvaxxed must get vaxxed to Protect the Vaxxed...................

Digital Wallet was mentioned by Pelosi back in early 2020.

Cashless, One Currency, Global Governance, Less People.

It's a waste of **** time trying to tell anyone.


It's nearly Bunker Time.

Expect massive Food shortages, Riots, Martial Law, Interment Camps and massive Deaths that are so many they can't be counted or confirmed.

Holy **** Christ on a bike.

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''Please correct me if I am wrong. A vaccine passport means that if you have been double jabbed and have Covid you can go to events, but if you have not been double jabbed and don’t have Covid you cannot go to events.''  Professor John Hearn @jbhearn


Everybody knows this doesn't make sense, the agenda is actually all about the vax passports and not about the virus.


''There are over 200 million Americans who are vaccinated, and daily cases right now are 300% higher than they were a year ago when there were ZERO people vaccinated. Fauci and the lockdowners don't even attempt to explain this. Ask why.''  Buck Sexton  @BuckSexton


Everybody knows this doesn't make sense, the agenda is actually all about the vax passports and not about the vaccines.


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PHE latest data UK follows Israel, the vaccines now have ZERO efficacy. In fact if you're under 80 you are better off without it.




Dr Ah Kahn Syed @arkmedic


'This report is unbelievable. In the same report showing NO vaccine efficacy against infection (cases) this appears on page 7 - claiming real world effectiveness against a strain that had GONE by the time vaccines were rolled out. This was all estimates sold as "data".'



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The long observed problem with the deaths and hospitalisations data is the 'death (or hospitalisation) within 28 days of a positive test', gives no indication of the person having died of covid or was hospitalised by covid. And given the reported false positive rate of the PCR test makes the data even less conclusive.

You would think after all this time someone would have come up with a better test, makes you wonder why they haven't.

In the age groups most at risk of harm from covid infection rates are less for the unvaccinated than the vaccinated under 80 years.

This is very much in line with the data coming out of Israel where there is also zero vaccine efficacy. The fact is that vaccine ADE has created vaccine resistant variants as well as weakened the immune system of those vaccinated.


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Quick preview of what to expect on the third dose rollout of these experimental vaccines.

The UK, as is the rest of the world are following Israel, a country with one of the highest vaccination rates.





You can see why the authorities are ramping up the push to get everyone vaxed and carrying passports that allow them to 'return to normal life'. People are waking up to what a total scam this really is.


Real Mark Latham @RealMarkLatham


Bondi Beach today. The Lockdown has ended through civil disobedience. When government failed, the people took things into their own hands to reclaim their lives and their sanity.





Biden Admin Losing Unwinnable War On COVID, Scapegoats 'Unvaccinated' Americans | ZeroHedge


''Policymakers within the Biden Administration have clearly seen the COVID-19 data out of Israel, the first country that went all in on population-wide mRNA shots. It shows that mRNA injection efficacy is waning, which is why Israel went full steam ahead with the 3rd booster shot.''

''The Biden Administration is losing its unwinnable “War on COVID,” and as its ratings go down in flames, it has backed itself into a corner. Instead of being honest about their failures with the American people, Biden officials are choosing to triple and quadruple down on these broken policy measures. They’re purposely pitting Americans against each other, and labeling the “unvaccinated” as the ultimate scapegoat for their failures. Time will tell if they succeed, or if Americans decide to find the courage to reject the latest series of unconstitutional edicts.''


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Amazing, leading UK investigative journalist only 3 months behind the curve.


Robert Peston @Peston

As someone who has just got through Covid-19, I wondered how rare I am to have contracted it as a double vaxxed person. According to new data from the government’s Vaccine Surveillance Report, in the age group 40 to 79, the overwhelming majority of those infected have been double vaxxed (see attached). I was surprised by what looks like high prevalence among the double vaxxed. And according to leading scientists at least part of the explanation is that “vaccine efficacy is not as good as we would like for the Delta variant”.


Meanwhile Fauci can't seem to remember what natural immunity is or does,

Dr. Fauci on why Americans who’ve previously been infected should get vaccinated despite studies showing it’s unnecessary: “I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that”


Thomas Massie  @RepThomasMassie1h

''The Pfizer trial itself showed no benefit from the vaccine for those who had evidence of prior infection. CDCgov has been lying about those trial results since last December.

Since he’s been caught in another lie, Fauci seems reluctant, even on CNN, to perpetuate the CDC lie.''


It's because of course they need to keep the narrative fixed on all unvaxed bad.

Reminder covid has a similar IFR as the flu and average age of deaths is 82.


But make sure everyone  keeps looking the other way, 

Dr Anthony Hinton @TonyHinton2016

''My oncology colleagues tell me they are seeing many patient who should have been diagnosed at stage 1 (90% cure) but are presenting at stage 4 (only 10% cure). A young parent age 39 with 2 teenage children who has less than a year. Many warned but were ignored.''

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Delta appears worse for the vaxxedFeb-to-August-UK-Delta-hospitalisations0deaths-WHOOPSsept2021.thumb.JPG.27aeeb1159d0e8c6f0e6d7173ad4a159.JPG

Efficacy of Pfizer shot wanes badly. Reminder, non-sterilising vaccines drive immue escape and new variants and allow vaxxed to incubate and spread without having symptoms putting vulnerable and immune compromised at risk.


*Significant* excess non-Covid mortality and morbidity showing up everywhere vaxx is prevalent.




Edited by mkc86
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On 08/09/2021 at 19:38, jlz said:

It is not about you or me. There are plenty of users that read this forum and I just want them to double check your posts. 

So where is that URL that backs your screenshots? I can tell there isn't one, otherwise you would have posted it already.  

Too bad, you are exposed again. 

Immunization Basics | CDC

This is the link to what you're after, you can see the partial url in the screenshots then follow from there.


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Looks this morning to be a big positional shift happening.


talkRADIO  @talkRADIO


BREAKING: Health Secretary Sajid Javid has said that plans for vaccine passports in England will not go ahead


Ryan Sabey  @ryansabey


Boris Johnson starts the COVID powers roll-back @SunPolitics

Boris Johnson rips up 'draconian' Covid powers ahead of winter plan announcement (thesun.co.uk)



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The Telegraph  @Telegraph

PCR tests will be scrapped for holidaymakers returning from green and amber list countries, according to reports.

Jonathan Engler @jengleruk


Why just for vaccinated? PHE report from Friday clearly demonstrating higher case rates in the vaccinated. If vaccines blunt symptoms there is in fact more of a case for the vaccinated having to test than the unvaccinated, as they’re more likely to be unknowingly infectious.

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On 11/09/2021 at 15:30, Caseynotes said:

Amazing, leading UK investigative journalist only 3 months behind the curve.


Robert Peston @Peston

As someone who has just got through Covid-19, I wondered how rare I am to have contracted it as a double vaxxed person. According to new data from the government’s Vaccine Surveillance Report, in the age group 40 to 79, the overwhelming majority of those infected have been double vaxxed (see attached). I was surprised by what looks like high prevalence among the double vaxxed. And according to leading scientists at least part of the explanation is that “vaccine efficacy is not as good as we would like for the Delta variant”.

Hahaha,  Robert Peston Shocked by Lack of Debate on Vaccine Effectiveness – Before Caving to Critics and Apologising for Questioning Vaccine Effectiveness.

'However, despite being 100% correct, Peston was soon grovelling before the Twitterati, begging forgiveness for implying the vaccines were not up to the job.'

'It’s a shame that when a television journalist finally covers the leakiness of the vaccines it’s because he wants to argue that we should continue with social distancing and mask-wearing to protect the immuno-compromised (the vaccinated) – a recipe, of course, for forever-restrictions. What Peston fails to mention is that the failure of the vaccines to prevent infection means that vaccine passports, vaccination of children, coerced vaccination, and any policy based on the idea that the vaccines protect others is fundamentally flawed and should be abandoned.'

Robert Peston Shocked by Lack of Debate on Vaccine Effectiveness – Before Caving to Critics and Apologising for Questioning Vaccine Effectiveness – The Daily Sceptic 


Meanwhile in the US,



NY hospital to pause baby deliveries after staffers quit over vaccine mandate

NY hospital to pause baby deliveries after staffers quit over vaccine mandate – KIRO 7 News Seattle

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Important 1 hour interview with Dr. Peter McCullough published just yesterday covers a lot of new data.


The Alpha variant is extinct. Over 99 percent of cases now are Delta. The data from Alpha is still being used for Delta and is wrong.

Delta is a super variant caused by the vax programme.

Ivermectin crushes Delta outbreaks, 60 research papers, 30 are random control studies. Western govts still will not approve use. All the covid vaccines are still under emergency use approval. Biotech was approved but is not yet in production.

The recent FDA resignations.

Still no official early treatment for covid (go home and wait for your lips to turn blue). Early treatments for covid; Vit. D, Zinc, Mouthwash to reduce viral load, Aspirin to reduce clotting. Prescription; Ivermectin or HCQ.

Vaccine failure, delta viral load 250 - 1000 times in the vaxxed as in the unvaxxed.

The vaccinated are a threat to the unvaxxed, not the other way round.

Natural immunity (previous exposure to covid) gives robust immunity to variants.

A crisis of misinformation from govt.

Children and covid.



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Don't let stupidity rule !!!!


Bill Onesty @billonesty

Never before in the history of medicine have the unvaccinated been blamed for the vaccinated getting sick. It doesn’t even make sense.


Jeremy Vine On 5  @JeremyVineOn5

"I had two jabs of Pzifer... took a PCR test and it came back positive - this is a serious virus" @CdeBOfficial urges people to get double vaccinated after he tested positive for Covid.


Errr, - yeah right.


Meanwhile in Oz;


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Dr. Eli David  @DrEliDavid  14h

Israeli Ministry of Health recorded saying "There is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport ("green pass"), it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate."




But why do they consider it so important that everybody be vaccinated, even children?

Why are they spending billions on pushing, pressuring, shaming and threatening?

Could it be because the vax companies stopped the trials that had a control group and now the unvaxxed are an unwanted control group?

A control group allows comparisons that would highlight the efficacy and harms of the vaccines.

Their goal seems to be a shot for everyone, every year, for life. A control group could prove that that is not needed or even advisable.


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On 12/09/2021 at 08:00, Leondrel said:

Immunization Basics | CDC

This is the link to what you're after, you can see the partial url in the screenshots then follow from there.


Thanks for taking the time to post. I tire of the deluded clowns who try to pick a hole in every 20th post thinking if they can find one they have negated the whole thread, as if.


Sunday says no passports Monday says something else. Never ending psy-ops designed to wear you down.

Senior lecturer Dr Colin Axon criticises the Government's messaging: "The number of U-turns has left us spinning."

(ps, it's deliberate)


So we were right to be sceptical about claims that vaccine passports had been abandoned. This is an elite-driven, global agenda to impose police-state digital IDs, and any delay is probably about misleading and undermining the opposition.  Richard Wellings @RichardWellings

Covid vaccine passports can still help defeat winter wave, No 10 insists | News | The Times



It is interesting reading the NSPCC's guide regarding Gillick Competence. I note this line "Remember that consent is not valid if a young person is being pressured or influenced by someone else."  Paul Nolan @NodNolan

Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines | NSPCC Learning



Not content with overriding parental consent for children as young as 12 by invoking “Gillick competence“ (meant to be exceptional), apparently the staff won’t even be properly qualified to guide the decision-making process. We are in dark times.  Jonathan Engler @jengleruk


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Government advice:

Do not vaccinate children (JCVI):

Do vaccinate children (CMO)

1 dose is not enough (adults):

1 dose is enough (children)

1st dose for children is not risky:

2nd dose in children is too risky

No wonder parents are confused. I am a doctor and I’m confused!  Dr Anthony Hinton @TonyHinton2016


To ALL parents: this treatment has over 1 million recorded adverse events on the yellow card system, it has "myocarditis" documented as a side effect in teens and has NO medium or long-term studies. Your child has an immune system, don't risk seriously harming them.  Know Your Human Rights @HumanRights4UK


Reminder that myocarditis can cause permanent heart damage and death even years later.

There are no medium and long term studies of these experimental vaccines. You are the test subjects.


Vaccination of 1 million children may prevent 1 ITU admission. It may result in 34 myocarditis cases. Myocarditis has a 5 year mortality rate of more than 50%.  Dr Anthony Hinton @TonyHinton2016


Unless this absolutely is a “silver” bullet to protect children’s health, which this is not! Then all they are doing is using children as human shields to protect the elderly and vulnerable. A society that sacrifices its children to save its adults is over!  Bernie's Tweets @BernieSpofforth


And coming up next in the US  ...

Gottlieb says vaccines could be approved for kids 5-11 by end of October (msn.com)

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