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The Virus and the Economy

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''As ordered by the courts the FDA must release the data it based it's EUA for the Pfizer shot. The FDA requested the courts to keep this information confidential for no less than 55 YEARS!! The court returned with an order to release 500 documents a month.''

''We start with the first release of 30+ pages on AE including death. How this product wasn't taken off the shelve within the first month is beyond me! 1227 deaths by February reported. These are Pfizer and FDA documents.''

''Looking at the amount of AE's recorded for the 42,000+ is jaw dropping. What's worse, out of the recorded AE about 1:37 is death. That is insane. The FDA admits these are only recorded AE that are considered above mild. There was so much more that wasn't released.''

''Please keep in mind these are AE that we're recorded in the first 3 months alone from December 1st to February 28.''


Stephanie Riewe @RieweStephanie

''... and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders ...''


5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (phmpt.org)


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Not sure who this guy in the video is (second item down) from UK Health? but appeared on tv today talking about the potential danger posed by Omicron.

What he is saying is 100% correct, if not for Omicron then for certain at some point in the near future.

'' the greatest concern is that the virus has mutated to such an extent our immune system, trained by the vaccine, no longer recognises the virus. and no longer triggers an immune response, this sort of variant is known as vaccine escape variant''.

But once the threat of vaccine ADE is identified  (what took them so long?) then the proper response is to stop the vaccine programme immediately, not speed it up.

Them seeing the now certain risk of the arrival of an escape variant and not acting appropriately can only mean the goal is to make everyone dependant on routine vaccinations for life, for a disease with an Infection Fatality Rate similar to common flu.

(PS ignore the mad man filming and talking over the interview, he thinks the response has been applied automatically to Omicron, it hasn't)



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11 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

the proper response is to stop the vaccine programme immediately, not speed it up.

Sorry @Caseynotes but you've got this the wrong way round, variants are emerging due to people NOT being vaccinated! As more people get vaccinated the risk of a new variant emerging decreases.

Your call to stop the vaccination programme immediately is one of the most ridiculous statements you've ever posted on here!

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7 minutes ago, Provaton said:

Sorry @Caseynotes but you've got this the wrong way round, variants are emerging due to people NOT being vaccinated! As more people get vaccinated the risk of a new variant emerging decreases.

Your call to stop the vaccination programme immediately is one of the most ridiculous statements you've ever posted on here!

Ha ha, I've been explaining the mechanism of vaccine ADE for months and behold here is a health official on TV saying the exact same thing is now a genuine concern.

repeat for the very slow of thinking, '' the greatest concern is that the virus has mutated to such an extent our immune system, trained by the vaccine, no longer recognises the virus. and no longer triggers an immune response, this sort of variant is known as vaccine escape variant''.

So I'm afraid once again you have no idea what you are talking about and obviously then have no references to back up your imaginings and are really just trolling the thread as usual.


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21 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

So I'm afraid once again you have no idea what you are talking about and obviously then have no references to back up your imaginings and are really just trolling the thread as usual.

I didn't post any references as it is so obvious if you have watched any news/read any articles over the past few months, it's like being asked to post references proving the earth is round!

Anyway, here's the first 3 I found for you, you'll obviously discredit them as pharma/Gates/Fauci/Soros/ funded/influenced:

WHO: https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/the-effects-of-virus-variants-on-covid-19-vaccines

Reuters Fact Check with references to various medical sources: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccine-variants-idUSL2N2NL1M2

Hopkins Medicine: "The more people who are unvaccinated and infected, the more chances there are for mutations to occur.": https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/a-new-strain-of-coronavirus-what-you-should-know

You really need to take a long look at what you are posting and the consequences of it, the vaccines are saving lives.

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38 minutes ago, Provaton said:

I didn't post any references as it is so obvious if you have watched any news/read any articles over the past few months, it's like being asked to post references proving the earth is round!

Anyway, here's the first 3 I found for you, you'll obviously discredit them as pharma/Gates/Fauci/Soros/ funded/influenced:

WHO: https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/the-effects-of-virus-variants-on-covid-19-vaccines

Reuters Fact Check with references to various medical sources: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccine-variants-idUSL2N2NL1M2

Hopkins Medicine: "The more people who are unvaccinated and infected, the more chances there are for mutations to occur.": https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/a-new-strain-of-coronavirus-what-you-should-know

You really need to take a long look at what you are posting and the consequences of it, the vaccines are saving lives.

No, you said that ''variants are emerging due to people NOT being vaccinated! '', that does not seem to have anything to do with any of the links you posted.

No one other than you has said that because it doesn't even make any sense.

What added pressure can the unvaxxed put on the virus to increase the rate of mutation?


It obviously has to be the vaccines and the vaccinated. Which is why all the new variants are being found first in the fully vaxxed such as this Omicron.


And if the vaccines were 'saving lives' then how come their efficacy has turned negative? The vaccines therefore must be costing lives.



And a reminder about your 'sources'.

The WHO has Bill Gates vet everything they say and do, that's what he gets for his 1 billion a year, and of course there's your Pfizer controlled Reuters factcheckers, and then the Gates Foundation controlled Hopkinsmed. So I wouldn't bother.

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David Dowdy  @davidwdowdy  16h

Let's not forget Botswana data. Of the 14 isolates sequenced in Botswana from Nov 15-29, all were omicron. Yet cases in the country are going down, not up. Just because we have a new variant doesn't mean we have a crisis on our hands.



'There is no evidence the benefits of the Covid vaccines outweigh the risks: that is the conclusion of Professor Norman Fenton, British mathematician and Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London.'


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LONDON — As more cases of the new omicron Covid variant emerge around the world, experts say it’s likely that the variant, first identified in South Africa last week, had already been circulating for some time.

The World Health Organization said on Wednesday that at least 23 countries from five of the six WHO regions have now reported cases of omicron, “and we expect that number to grow.”

Full article by CNBC

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UK Whitty admitting now the existence of escape variants, though still no admission that Delta showed vaccine resistance and a reminder that Omicron spread to over12 countries when only the vaccinated were allowed to travel.

Reminder too that the vaccine companies never claimed the vaccines could stop infection or transmission (so not really vaccines) and booster surge lasts only 2 weeks before the continued decline in efficacy.

Govt orders another 112 million doses as the double vaxxed will soon be declared unvaccinated.

Mandatory vaccinations, at least annually, for life, are coming for a virus with an official Infection Fatality Rate similar to the flu so not really about a virus.




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''The World Health Organization has questioned the UK government’s decision to roll out hundreds of millions of booster jabs to its population, asserting there is “no evidence” they would offer “greater protection” to the healthy.''

''UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid’s says the country has secured an additional 114 million vaccine doses for 2022 and 2023 to “buy time” and that everyone over the age of 18 will be offered one by the end of January.''

''Dr. Mike Ryan, head of the WHO’s emergencies program, questioned the logic behind this decision.''

World Health Organization Says “No Evidence” Booster Jabs Would Offer “Greater Protection” to the Healthy – Summit News

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German lawmakers have implemented new curbs for the unvaccinated and made plans to vote on making Covid vaccines mandatory.

National and regional leaders agreed on Thursday to ban Germany’s unvaccinated population from all non-essential businesses, such as bars, restaurants and movie theaters in a bid to encourage vaccine uptake.

Full article: CNBC

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54 minutes ago, MongiIG said:

German lawmakers have implemented new curbs for the unvaccinated and made plans to vote on making Covid vaccines mandatory.

Fairly typical of the demented logic from European leaders at the moment which only serves to indicate this is not about a virus.

- You only have a choice so long as you make the 'right' choice.

- Everyone has admitted the vaccines do not stop transmission (WHO, FDA, CDC, UKHSA) so the way to slow down transmission is to err ...  increase vaccinations.


Whitty, in the video posted above, on 'escape' variants caused by vaccine pressure inferred that the mutations on the spike protein that made the vaccines ineffective was same for natural immunity. Not true, natural immunity is not based solely on the spike proteins as are the vaccines but on the viral cell as a whole.

This whole population experiment is now based on nothing but assumptions, the science went out the window a long time ago.

Reminder that in the last attempt at an mRNA vaccine all the animals in the trial died (most around a year post shot) so just as well these vaccines were allowed to skip the animal trial stage.

'Despite WHO advice that current vaccines probably won't work against Omicron, WHO recommends more vaccination.'




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1 hour ago, MongiIG said:




German lawmakers have implemented new curbs for the unvaccinated and made plans to vote on making Covid vaccines mandatory.

National and regional leaders agreed on Thursday to ban Germany’s unvaccinated population from all non-essential businesses, such as bars, restaurants and movie theaters in a bid to encourage vaccine uptake.

Full article: CNBC

German health minister: enough vaccine for 30 million booster goal.


BERLIN (Reuters) - German Health Minister Jens Spahn said on Friday there is enough vaccine for the country to reach its goal of administering 30 million booster shots by Christmas.

Full article: investing.com, 3rd December 2021.

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18 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Fairly typical of the demented logic from European leaders at the moment which only serves to indicate this is not about a virus.

- You only have a choice so long as you make the 'right' choice.

- Everyone has admitted the vaccines do not stop transmission (WHO, FDA, CDC, UKHSA) so the way to slow down transmission is to err ...  increase vaccinations.


Whitty, in the video posted above, on 'escape' variants caused by vaccine pressure inferred that the mutations on the spike protein that made the vaccines ineffective was same for natural immunity. Not true, natural immunity is not based solely on the spike proteins as are the vaccines but on the viral cell as a whole.

This whole population experiment is now based on nothing but assumptions, the science went out the window a long time ago.

Reminder that in the last attempt at an mRNA vaccine all the animals in the trial died (most around a year post shot) so just as well these vaccines were allowed to skip the animal trial stage.

'Despite WHO advice that current vaccines probably won't work against Omicron, WHO recommends more vaccination.'




Hi @Caseynotes

Vaccination, not travel curbs, key to battling Omicron, WHO says.


GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) urged countries to boost healthcare capacity and vaccinate their people to fight a surge in COVID-19 cases driven by the Omicron variant, saying that travel curbs could buy time but alone were not the answer.

Full article: investing.com, 3rd December 2021.


WHO chief scientist says Omicron 'quite infectious', must not panic.


By Francesco Guarascio and Stephanie Nebehay, 3rd December 2021. source: investing.com

(Reuters) - The World Health Organization's chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan told Reuters on Friday that while the new coronavirus variant Omicron appeared to be very transmissible, the right response was to be prepared, cautious and not panic.

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10 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Reminder that in the last attempt at an mRNA vaccine all the animals in the trial died (most around a year post shot) so just as well these vaccines were allowed to skip the animal trial stage.

This is simply not true:

Pfizer: https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-data-preclinical-studies-mrna

JNJ: https://www.jnj.com/johnson-johnson-announces-that-janssens-covid-19-investigational-vaccine-candidate-prevents-severe-clinical-disease-in-pre-clinical-studies

Moderna: https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/moderna-announces-publication-new-england-journal-medicine-non

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19 minutes ago, Provaton said:

I'm afraid it is true and as usual none of your links have anything to do with it.

Search back through the 'Covid and the economy' thread and you will find the video of a US Professor explaining in great detail the said trials that were before 2020 and so did not involve covid19.

Most of the animal died because of a deranged autoimmune response during the next viral season about a year later when they came into contact with the wild virus.

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'Look at what they are doing in the UK. Boosters can now be given every 3 months. Are you kidding me? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Next they will be giving boosters monthly. Next will be weekly. Mark my words. They are NEVER going to figure out the vaccine is making things worse. NEVER. They will never figure out that early treatment protocols like the Fareed-Tyson protocol virtually eliminate death from COVID.'



'The vaccine can not prevent infection nor transmission. By again increasing the antibodies (with the booster), the virus is put under an even higher immune pressure while further expanding its capacity to escape from the vaccinal antibodies (Abs). As a result more infectious variants gain a competitive advantage and hence, will spread stronger amongst the population. '

From an immunological point of view, boosters and mass vaccination are as harmful as mold on a wall | Voice for Science and Solidarity


1nPr0p0rt10n2 @1Pr0p0rt10n2 1h

'Swedish pre-print; Efficacy against severe infection at 240 days from +70 to -80%. Authors recommend boosters to stop efficacy waning so much. Not because they have studied that, but because, well what are the other options? Also known as doubling down'

Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death Up to 9 Months: A Swedish Total-Population Cohort Study by Peter Nordström, Marcel Ballin, Anna Nordström :: SSRN


2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

This whole population experiment is now based on nothing but assumptions, the science went out the window a long time ago.


Real Developments @pdubdev 1h

''FDA to allow ew versions of the vaccines for Omicron to go through approval in weeks, completely skipping Phase 3 human trials. At this point, why not just let Pfizer have their own FDA approval stamp?''


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Latest UK data Omicron cases: 14 vaxxed, 6 unvaxxed. 

The vaccines don't reduce the incidence of infection or transmission, the mRNA vaccine supporters say they do still reduce fatalities but that's more likely to be the natural decrease that goes with the normal viral evolutionary process of increased transmission rate and decreased fatality rate.

Efficacy has turned negative meaning there are more deaths in the vaxxed than the placebo group and 'escape' variants (vaccine resistant) due to vaccine pressure is now undeniable. Boosters now needed every 3 months just to slow the decent of vaccine negative efficacy.

When vaccine escape variants are found in vaccine trials it generally means the virus has won and the trial is stopped.

The response from the establishment?

Bill Gates' WHO say we need more vaccinations.

Pfizer's main stream media say we need more vaccinations.

The WEF's globalist politicians say we need more vaccinations.

Increasing vaccine pressure will continue the accelerated production of escape variants. It's only a matter of time before evolution throws up a variant that isn't less fatal while the vaccines continue to suppress the body's natural immune system.

Moderna's CEO says now we will all need routine injections, probably at least annually (the drug company's 'holy grail') 🤩

Reminder; covid has a similar infection fatality rate as the common flu.



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''Pfizer CMO: Other vaccines have caused death not Pfizer's.''


''A prominent characteristic of psychopaths is their exceptional ability to lie without batting an eyelid.''


''120 children hospitalized, province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch.''


Dr Clare Craig @ClareCraigPath  1d

''Looks like Omicron is so much a disease of the vaccinated that they had to change up the definitions again. Now we have more than *28* days after first dose before you're counted as vaccinated.''



''Imagine. My. Shock. SAGE calls for WFH and vaccine passports in face of Omicron wave.''

But ...




VACCINES “appear to expose people to an INCREASED MORTALITY” Professor Martin Neil, Queen Mary University, London.''


11.''After our offset adjustment we observe no significant benefit of the vaccines in the short term. They appear to expose people to an increased mortality, in line with what we know about immune exposure or pre-infection risks,''

A Thread from @MartinNeil9: "1.Our research team have now analysed the ONS England November mortality data. We conclude that despite [...]" (threader.app)



Richard Wellings @RichardWellings

''The pandemic has exposed the ugly truth that liberal democracy is largely theatre, with the big decisions made by an unaccountable global elite and implemented by its puppets. And it's not just Covid - see also climate change.''

Freddie Sayers @freddiesayers

''Slightly depressed that this story is being covered by “right wing” channels all over the world but not a peep from BBC/Guardian/NYT et al. Where’s the outrage about the shredding of due process, arbitrary detention, everything you’ve been championing for years?''  👇

Freddie Sayers @freddiesayers

''This 26 year old Australian, identified as a 'contact' of a Covid case but never testing positive, was held at an internment camp outside Darwin without her consent for 14 days. There was no legal process or recourse. Come on liberals, where are you?''

Inside Australia’s Covid internment camp - The Post (unherd.com)



120 children hospitalized, province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch - VnExpress International

SAGE calls for WFH and vaccine passports in face of Omicron wave | Daily Mail Online



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UK main stream media again going full-on deliberate misinformation to push the govt's campaign of fear. This time to vilify the unvaxxed for the vaxxed covid cases, completely fake and they must know it.





Even bias factcheckers can't pretend that's true.












The escape variants are created in the vaxxed and are initially transmitted by the vaxxed. 

COVID Outbreak On US Cruise Ship Despite Fully Vaxxed Passengers

COVID Outbreak On US Cruise Ship Despite Fully Vaxxed Passengers | ZeroHedge



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As the The Guardian report shows:

"Scientists who drew up the key World Health Organisation guidelines advising governments to stockpile drugs in the event of a flu pandemic had previously been paid by drug companies which stood to profit, according to a report out today."

Big pharmas are laughing all the way  to the bank for free trillions they will earn and have been exempt from any law cases should any drug be a problem, especially by the normal bypass of the trial phases to proof of concept.

What ever happened to our parents and grandparents generations who used the HEAD steam by covering the head by a towel with the face breath hot air to kill off bacteria or viruses  that would be in the nose, throat or chest. It is done for 15-30 minutes per day. It handles any cold or flu or other similar conditions, and it is still used in various parts of the world. But ofcourse there is no profit in that so why encourage it, uhh?

The media loves sensationalism, exaggerating, generalising and negative bias when it need not be per facts. This is the norm for most media types. They know that people react to them and naively accept what they say, or should i say that is how it use to be. But more and more people are waking up to this type of hype used by PR departments of Pharmas and even the Financial industries. So they will continue these habits until the public turns against it one day.

Whatever happened to the objective reporting and investigating that would take place before reporting of decades ago, without much of the above bad habits? Or is there other motives that we have not considered?



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''We are starting to see wholesale failure of the vaccines.''




'(mRNA) is brand new technology and there were bound to have been some mistakes.' 

So in hindsight probably not a good idea to start with a 100% global population trial 🤪🤪

Mentioned in vid below is that the virus limits itself to certain regions and cells whereas the vaccine spike proteins are spread throughout. This was the problem with previous mRNA vaccine animal studies, the autoimmune system started attacking everything until the animal died.



Israelis' have had enough of this nonsense, booster uptake levelling off at 46% as govt talks about a 4th shot.



Still no sign of the flu, 🤔, you don't suppose these been a lot of 'rebranding' going on do you?



Reminder that covid has a similar Infection Fatality Rate as the common flu.



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