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Dow and Dax looking to follow the S&P and put recent resistance behind them and continue up the chart. Big break by Ftse yesterday while China approaches it's own near term resistance.




Ryan Detrick, CMT @RyanDetrick


Want to make a bear angry? Point out the NYSE has gone nowhere for nearly two years, but finally made new highs yesterday. Future returns when it goes at least a year without new all-time highs? Since 1980, higher 6 months later 7 of 8 and higher 12 months later every time.



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The US Senates partisan political stunt of voting to impeach Trump has truly backfired as his approval rating has increased since the hearings began and Stocks and USD don't care. Republican leaders have said not a single Republican will vote for his removal from office and in the betting for the 2020 election race Trump has surged into an even greater lead while all Dem candidates have all fallen.

Dow and S&P remain in touch with the highs, Ftse still at the breakout highs from earlier in the week. China still trapped under key resistance.





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