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The reality, testing now up to 90,000 a day (many times greater than in March) = 'new' cases also up.

If you came into contact with a cold or flu virus even months ago (and probably were asymptomatic) you would be a confirmed 'new' case.

But new hospital admissions and new deaths are still negligible. Compare March with now on the chart. Second lockdown starting soon.

you are being played


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"Nobel Prize for Science winner Professor Levitt of Stanford - one of the few who called this thing correctly back in February - with a population fatality rate of 0.04 to 0.05%, largely regardless of lockdown Now calls it again - on how science has let us all down dreadfully:"



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LBC  @LBC  From 28 September it will be illegal not to self-isolate after testing positive for corona virus with fines up to £10,000.

remember you will test positive for as long as any fragment of the virus remains which can be many months after any contact and that the majority will be asymptomatic after contact (you  will not know). German research papers have shown that you cease to be able to spread covid by 10 days after end of any symptoms (cited in previous posts above). 

The solution is obvious, don't take a test.

Is this (below) right?

Julia Hartley-Brewer  @JuliaHB1  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Matt Hancock told me on @talkRADIO that the False Positive Rate of Covid tests in the community is "under 1%". Sounds good, doesn't it? WRONG! An FPR of 0.8% when the virus prevalence is so low means that at least 91% of "Covid cases" are FALSE POSITIVES.




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On 19/09/2020 at 10:06, jlz said:

ok, let's say that we all agree on the fact that we had many corona-viruses before and this one is just another one to add to the list. We can't escape it and sooner or later will catch me, I can agree with all of that, a mask is not an astronaut helmet so I can't protect myself from it.

What is the actual point of forcing people into a quarantine? We say that governments do not want bad press or be entitled to many deaths, which are actually the same deaths every year.  Are they not able to explain that instead of simply telling us to stay at home?

If I am being played, what is the actual end point? Why would governments all over the world play people on the subject? I find really hard to believe that this is all part of a massive hoax. 

I don't see the benefit of forcing quarantines just for the sake of making people to follow rules. Is it not easier to think that the information we've got is so minimal that we can't be sure that this virus is going to wipe out people suddenly from the face of earth? Like, "we have no clue of what is going on, you better stay at home, because is the only advise I can give you"

How about to listen to professionals that warn us daily? Like Dr Fauci


Is not better to do what they say instead of believing that this is all part of a massive conspiracy against people?

I don't think governments are playing people around, it is more that they don't have a clue of what we have to do to fix it, pretty much like in other pandemic. And the only message they can give us is "stay at home and let's hope that you  don't die"

In conspiracy land there's been an ongoing piece for decades about the governments running/controlling our lives such as in Orwells Animal Farm and 1984

It has credence as a possibility, and testing compliance such as we are all abiding by now does fit

Doesn't mean its actually happening though - I'm just on alert personally as this needs to end sometime and lives back to normal without any government control etc

David Icke calls it the Totalitarian Tiptoe - Small little bites at removing freedoms until you have non left - it is plausible but so is going to live on Pluto one day 

the only part of me that keeps one eye open is I 100% believe Icke about the FED and 9/11 that he's written about over a decade ago

A pandemic is the perfect cover for a totalitarian regime to take control - "you need to do as we tell you and we'll save you"

I'm sceptical but aware 

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15 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

The reality, testing now up to 90,000 a day (many times greater than in March) = 'new' cases also up.

If you came into contact with a cold or flu virus even months ago (and probably were asymptomatic) you would be a confirmed 'new' case.

But new hospital admissions and new deaths are still negligible. Compare March with now on the chart. Second lockdown starting soon.

you are being played


Yep I agree this needs to be rising - the only plausible excuse for me is that the age range testing positive en masse can withstand the death aspect of the virus - i.e. the under 30's  

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Interesting video report by Sky News Australia reiterating that there is no scientific evidence that supports lockdown as being effective in controlling a virus (even the WHO admits that) and goes on to discuss China's roll in the subsequent domino affect of other countries following their example of lockdown.

(12 min)


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Today around 4400 infections and 17 deaths. That's a mortality rate of 0.39%. The last time infections were around 4400 was May 9th with 461 deaths and a mortality rate then of 10.5%. Why the whopping 96% reduction in deaths in only 18 weeks?

It can't be masks, the infections are rising, it can't be a vaccine, there is none, it can't be any new treatment as the treatment has remained pretty much the same. Then maybe it's "mutated" to become less deadly? No, virus's don't go from deadly to benign in 18 weeks, look at the ordinary flu virus, the death rate for that has consistently stayed the same year after year.

It all makes complete sense, however, when we understand that the mortality rate today is actually the REAL death rate of Coronavirus and that the death rate in April/May is FALSE and misleading.

And that is because in April/ May the medical profession was suffering from another illness, a  psychological illness known as MPI or Mass Psychogenic Illness or more commonly, Mass Hysteria. 

This is a very real phenomenon that causes perceptions and reason and common sense to be massively distorted (even if you're an intelligent doctor), which is what occurred across the world in the medical profession, so that people simply having, say, a panic attack were wrongly diagnosed as having this new, deadly, shapeshifting Coronavirus and need immediate life saving interventions, such as being put in an induced coma and ventilated in ICU, which is extremely dangerous and deadly to a healthy young person having a panic attack. Combine this with similarly affected GP's who were seeing Coronavirus in any death at that time and writing it on the death certificate and lastly the increased excess deaths at home from patients too scared to go to seek help,go to hospital or call 999 because of this perceived deadly virus and you can see how the death rate was inflated.

In short, they became hysterical and infected the politicians and media and the general public with that hysteria.

18 weeks later, the dust is settling and reason has returned to the medical profession and it is now able to once again distinguish between severe difficulty in breathing and a panic attack, GP's are seeing more clearly and patients are coming back to the hospitals and surgeries and that's why the deaths are down to double digits.

This is the real reason for the low death rates now, they were always low, it was never the virus killing all these people in April/May it was the medical profession, here and across the world, who had totally lost their heads.

Edited by paramaniac
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Haha, more BS to justify another lockdown.

Compare the blue data (the real data as opposed to the red imaginary data) with the massive increase in testing from the charts above.

Also compare with the actual hospitalisations and deaths, on a national scale negligible.

This really is beyond stupid.


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Sweden has exposed the cruel folly of lockdown


"Throughout the spring and early summer, the negative headlines were relentless. The New York Times repeatedly branded Sweden a ‘pariah state’, while its no-lockdown policy apparently made it ‘the world’s cautionary tale’."




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20 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

👀 oh dear, govt example scenario shows 11 million dead by Christmas 👀

... does anyone suspect they might be being played yet? just asking.



LOL - My mental maths ain't great, but i drew the same conclusion watching the press conference yesterday

Trouble is 98% of the population will do as 98% of traders do - just accept the rhetoric and sound bites 

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“Thus he calculates – somewhat frighteningly – that we will have 50,000 new infections a day by mid-October and 200 deaths a day a couple of weeks later.


I think Covid 19 is about twice as infectious as influenza. But the interesting thing is that he estimates the IFR (infection fatality rate) at the low end of 0.4%.

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2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

more on how the testing is producing mostly false positives (see recent posts above).

(5 min vid)


forgot to add the names of the immunology professors interviewed in the video.

Prof. @carlheneghan and Prof. Emeritus of Immunology, Beda M. Stadler, telling you the truth that Matt Hancock and the mainstream media are distorting.

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2 hours ago, AndrewS said:

“Thus he calculates – somewhat frighteningly – that we will have 50,000 new infections a day by mid-October and 200 deaths a day a couple of weeks later.


I think Covid 19 is about twice as infectious as influenza. But the interesting thing is that he estimates the IFR (infection fatality rate) at the low end of 0.4%.

Personally, I'd be amazed if the true fatality rate was anywhere close to being that high. I have more fear of dying in a freak exploding teapot accident than popping my clogs to covid. Maybe the government needs to be a bit more stringent in its persuasion.

scare campaign round two.jpg

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