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Covid and the Economy

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Remember "2 weeks to flatten the curve"?

Johnson now saying social distancing should end around October er... 2021.


'A top WHO official is now on record as saying 750 million have been infected. That gives us an IFR of 0.13% - right at the Flu level!

Came a long way from the 3.4% prediction that kicked this off '




'it’s a sad day when you meet patients with stage 4 disease who had symptoms in March/April and didn’t seek medical help or were unable to. Every day is a sad day.'



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oh dear, clearly just a conspiracy theory.

'World Economic Forum -- The Great Reset'


Meanwhile, new research papers appear on mandatory vaccinations,

'Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2'



As airlines test Covid passport travel docs,

World's first Covid passport technology will be trialled on flights from Heathrow this week in bid to let passengers travel without risk of quarantine in future BUT requires authorities to trust test lab results from abroad.


Edited by Caseynotes
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More on the 'Great Reset'

"As Boris Johnson announces Britain’s ‘great reset’, were the Covid ‘conspiracy theorists’ right all along?"




Meanwhile Fauci (US) and ergo the UK remain determined to use the 40 cycle PCR Covid testing which guarantees a very high ratio of false positives (as explained by 2 epidemiologist professors in the recent video posted above).

Match the false testing to the equally misleading Ferguson models and hey presto ... back to the scaremongering of coming deaths in the hundreds of thousands.

The reason for all this is of course that the unnecessary, unneeded and long awaited  corona vaccine has been delayed yet again, now expected mid 2021. Enjoy your lockdown.


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Covid Catchup;

In many papers last week was the headline '86% positive tests were asymptomatic' but we already knew this, we knew around 90% of positive tests were false positives because most who tested positive will have came in contact with covid months before and will no longer have covid (just covid RNA fragments) or be infectious.

But 'govt scientists' (via MSM) are inferring these people are infectious and a great danger to the public (a continuation of project fear), this is nonsense. If you have no symptoms you can't infect others because you are not producing droplets that contain the virus, it's the same for common flu or common cold.

The US CDC say of covid (mild symptoms) you are safe to be around others 10 days after the onset of symptoms and 24 hours since temp has returned to normal and other symptoms are in decline.

So with this misinformation the govt is re instigating local lockdowns, get use to it because this is the future.

Total lockdown has never been used to control infection before, not ever, it's always been quarantine the sick and vulnerable, not everyone.

As the US researcher stated in the Sky news video posted above, the total lockdown is not from the Chinese 'control of infectious diseases' playbook but is drawn directly from their 'control of dissident minorities' playbook.

It's a political weapon not a public health measure, and we have all followed suit, as spelt out by the 'Great Reset', a planed response from the World Economic Forum that's been sitting there just waiting for a new virus to come along, doesn't matter that the virus is actually no more deadly than the common Flu.

So the 'Great Reset' is a blueprint for the removal of civil rights and liberties, an increase in mandatory personal documentation, an ending of the right of freedom to travel and an ending of the automatic right of access to civil/public services.

Essentially a new communist style authoritarianism, but it's ok because it's all for 'your own protection' and to 'save lives'.

👀 looking more and more like a slow motion political coup under the guise of a fake health emergency everyday.


PS: 20% of people in hospital with covid were infected with covid in the hospital 😳



https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/end-home-isolation.html#:~:text=You can be around others after%3A,of COVID-19 are improving*







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On 06/10/2020 at 09:01, jlz said:

Very nice, and here we can't even stay in the pub after 10pm. We should send this picture to Boris.


Thanks for confirming that you are Swedish, this explains why you are the way you are.  You have my commiserations.

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54 minutes ago, dmedin said:


Thanks for confirming that you are Swedish, this explains why you are the way you are.  You have my commiserations.

I am going to call you Detective from now on. It is much better than troll. Maybe you found your field, who knows. Such a sharp mind needs a challenge to stay motivated. 

Poor Swedish by the way, they are nice people. 

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And from the US;

oh ok, so not 200,000 dead from covid, just positive for covid (RNA fragments) at time of death.

So just 6% of the 200,000 died of covid alone.


Gale Obrien @gobrien0107

SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone - Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses. Here’s another arrow in your quiver ⁦@DrKellyVictory⁩ ⁦⁦@MarkMeadows⁩ thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/shock-…







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Former Australian Senator Cory Bernardi presented a piece for Sky News Australia in which he claimed that the agenda behind the COVID panic was for elite Davos billionaires to bring about a “great reset” that would see permanent social and economic changes.

Noting that there is “something unusual about the continuing pandemic panic,” Bernardi cited medical experts who “now acknowledge that lockdowns don’t work” and asked viewers to “consider if there is another agenda at work.”


Will look for the interview video.

Meanwhile here's a glimpse of the future ...


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Hi Casey,

                   Regarding testing, in the last 3 weeks, my son has had a nasty and virulent flu type virus that was inflecting his half his school. He gave it to me 2 weeks ago. It was a nasty virus (bed ridden for 3 days) so on the 4 th day elected to do the right thing and get tested for Covid.  Had to travel 35 miles and wait for a day for an appointment. The test came back negative. Had all the symptoms of a cold and flu (including headache, runny nose, chest pains, fatigue, temperature), but the test said no virus. I would therefore suggest that the test for Covid is, in fact a test for Covid 19 and not  a test for every and any corona virus. Agree 95% of people will be fine if contracting the virus ( and lots and lots of people are contracting the virus everyday), but those that develop more severe symptoms will not consider it a blessing from God, for example.  Or fake news. 

                 It is what it is and it will pass.

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6 minutes ago, 786Trader said:

Hi Casey,

                   Regarding testing, in the last 3 weeks, my son has had a nasty and virulent flu type virus that was inflecting his half his school. He gave it to me 2 weeks ago. It was a nasty virus (bed ridden for 3 days) so on the 4 th day elected to do the right thing and get tested for Covid.  Had to travel 35 miles and wait for a day for an appointment. The test came back negative. Had all the symptoms of a cold and flu (including headache, runny nose, chest pains, fatigue, temperature), but the test said no virus. I would therefore suggest that the test for Covid is, in fact a test for Covid 19 and not  a test for every and any corona virus. Agree 95% of people will be fine if contracting the virus ( and lots and lots of people are contracting the virus everyday), but those that develop more severe symptoms will not consider it a blessing from God, for example.  Or fake news. 

                 It is what it is and it will pass.

Hi, not heard of any test available specifically for covid 19, just corona virus (see recent video from the 2 epidemiologists posted above), there are at least 4 separate corona viruses that might be responsible for a common cold. Similar applies to common flu but corona virus is not the only virus type that can cause flu or cold and at any one time there are 3 or 4 different strains of virus going round that might be responsible.

This is why vaccines have never worked for cold or flu, too many possible strains, too quick to mutate. Flu shots for example are based on the previous years dominant strain but that probably won't be right for the current year.

Note Fauci saying yesterday that current vaccines being developed likely to be only moderately effective instead of highly effective they were hoping for.

Even with off/on again lockdown we will have heard immunity anyway  (already or soon but way behind the Sweds) to covid 19 but not the next one that comes along and there will always be a next one.



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It is easy to see this as a great global conspiracy, Casey. I do get it. Exploiting peoples better natures with fear and mistrust. Breaking normal patterns of behaviour and connections with others, except virtual ones.  Changing the way we live and work for such a long time that it becomes a new normal. Breaking normal patterns of movement. Stifling all art, music and means of expression and communal experience. 

The question comes back to whether this was (Covid 19) an unhappy accident of fate or an ominous twist of same. 

Who gains from this? 

Yes, disruption is considerable and the bill will be massive. But there are those nations which are doing just fine out of this, even many equity markets have hit new all time highs. Some nations have managed this crisis and done well. Others (like us and the USA) have not. But even US equity is heading for a new all time high and will be projected to be  at worse net zero (equity loss/gain) in 2020. We wont. So do we blame China, both for the disease and for it's recovery? Or ourselves for not seeing this coming when all of China shut down in January? Yes it has exposed the incompetence of governments and exploited the fear of the general public worldwide. 

It is also not as bad or dangerous for most people as has been made out (with many exceptions). Your figures clearly show it is the weak ( secondary conditions) and vulnerable and old that die from this and the unfortunate that get sicker for longer (experience long Covid symptoms).

However, if this is a natural occurence, with Mother nature in the driving seat then we have to accept it. We have to accept it anyway. If this was man made, then it is a different more sinister matter, but so far the evidence suggests this is Mother nature saying enough is enough.  Change. The virus may/has been exploited by many for their own ends (Putin 's job for life), but not all have done this. Most just want it to end (especially my son and my family, probably yours too).

Like it or not things have changed, we have to move with the changes. Or be left behind.

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12 minutes ago, 786Trader said:

Like it or not things have changed, we have to move with the changes. Or be left behind.

The 'Great Reset' plan has been sitting on the shelf waiting.

I would normally laugh at conspiracy theories but this is different. I started this looking at the numbers, the fatality rates coming out of Asia were in line with a bad new flu strain but the models being forwarded in western countries were beyond belief, they bore no resemblance to any actual data.

Then came the plan for countrywide 'total lockdown' and that was obviously a plan for economic disaster. You never quarantine the healthy, just the sick and vulnerable. Asian data showed that the under 60s were not vulnerable, they are the ones you let out to build herd immunity for everyone else. Once the disease has died out then you release those in quarantine. That's how it's been done since forever. Sweden played it by the book and were proved right.

Colds and flu are the cause of death for many old and sick, always have been and always will be. There has been no real reason for any of the measures implemented, lockdowns, masks, social distancing. Quarantine the sick and vulnerable was all that was needed.

The main result of this whole episode is that total fear has gripped the population, 12 months ago you would have lost a debate to introduce national identity cards, now everyone is in total submission and will accept any measure.

Time to get 'the Great Reset' down off the shelf.





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oh dear, never mind ...

The collateral damage of Covid in the UK:

2 million cancer screenings lost.

62,000 urgent cancer referrals lost.

A&E referrals down 30%.

Operations cancelled for up to 2 years.

3 million new unemployed over next 12 months.

Mental illness rates doubled.


James Melville  


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Yesterday I mentioned Fauci stated that the covid vaccines were likely to be only moderately effective instead of the hoped for highly effective. This is significant as it mean 50% population take up will not be enough to give herd immunity and 70 - 80% will be needed instead, that means mandatory vaccinations.


Meanwhile ...

One reason the NHS wasn’t overwhelmed in the pandemic is that 28,000 more people than expected died at home. Over 25,000 of these were not linked to Covid. Whether they chose to die at home, were forced to die at home, or could’ve been saved if they sought help may never be known.


Dr Phil Hammond  @drphilhammond

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