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Covid and the Economy

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So what have we learnt this week?

We have learnt that the Covid-19 test is actually a test for SARS Cov-2 RNA, old virus strains that Covid-19 will share some RNA with but corona virus strains that most of us will already have immunity for and when discovered the immune system will just blast into fragments.

More important is the cycle number used in the testing. Fauci says any more than 35 cycles will automatically throw up a mass of old dead nucleotide fragments and give a false positive that the person has an active infectious corona virus.

So why does the UK and the US routinely use 45 cycles which is known to generate 93% to 97% false positives?

We know the average age of those who died from Covid-19 was 82 and nearly all had co-morbidities. Very similar stats as those for common flu which has been responsible for around 30,000 deaths every year for decades (in the 1950s-60s the average was closer to 50,000 a year).

We know that the entertainment and travel industries are on their knees and willing to do anything to avoid total destruction by continued rolling Govt lockdowns. A Covid vaccination passport would seem to be the inevitable ending to this Govt blackmail.

We know that the Govt project fear has been so successful that half the country (48%) are so traumatised they don't want to come out of hiding EVEN WITH a golden bullet holy grail VACCINE. Well done Boris, Joseph Stalin would be proud.

And we continue to be slowly corralled towards the 'Great Reset' where you turn over control of your life to the Davos Globalist Elites.

'In the future you will own nothing and be happy'. 'In the future everything you need will be delivered to your door by a drone ...'

You will own nothing because the Davos elites will own it all and you had better keep up those weekly rental payments or you really will have nothing and you really won't be happy.




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NO Justin, using the Covid crisis to forward the 'Great Reset' agenda is just a conspiracy theory.


These Danish people are protesting against a new law to facilitate enforced vaccinations, don't they realise that's just a conspiracy theory?


Klaus, subcutaneous chip implants are just a conspiracy theory.


Edited by Caseynotes
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Dow hit 30,000 but has now dropped slightly. 

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Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science

BMJ 2020; 371 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4425 (Published 13 November 2020)Cite this as: BMJ 2020;371:m4425

from the executive editor of the BMJ Kamran Abbasi

"When good science is suppressed by the medical-political complex, people die"

"Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain"

" Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health.1 Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement. So too are scientists and health experts. "

" The prime minister’s Operation Moonshot depends on immediate and wide availability of accurate rapid diagnostic tests.9 It also depends on the questionable logic of mass screening—currently being trialled in Liverpool with a suboptimal PCR test."





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11 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

true, because in 2030 under the WEF  2 + 2 will = 5

Does this mean that your ultra-conservative conspiranoia will last for 10 years? Can't we have a great reset before that? I thought the end was near, now we have to wait for a decade? 

Come on... You gave us so much expectation that I was even thinking about to start digging a bunker. I even have my lot of sardine cans ready.

Now I have to wait  for 10 years. Man, this is too much.

Edited by jlz
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4 hours ago, jlz said:

Does this mean that your ultra-conservative conspiranoia will last for 10 years? Can't we have a great reset before that? I thought the end was near, now we have to wait for a decade? 

Come on... You gave us so much expectation that I was even thinking about to start digging a bunker. I even have my lot of sardine cans ready.

Now I have to wait  for 10 years. Man, this is too much.

err, what?

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45 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

oh dear, the flu has gone missing this year, has anyone seen it? Perhaps it's gone on holiday?


This is most likely due to lockdowns (less people circulating, on public transport etc), masks, washing hands etc. Basically all the measures in place to combat covid are fighting flu.

Not surprising really.

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6 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

oh dear, the flu has gone missing this year

oh, and yet another coincidence, excess Covid deaths mirror missing excess deaths multi year average.


meanwhile the govt might generously grant you 5 days off lockdown at xmas but you'll need to pay for it ...


the govt knows best and many restrictions will likely still apply ...


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just remember people, we're all in this together!

Amazon: profit up 100%

Walmart: profit up 80%

Target: profit up 80%

Lowe's: profit up 74%

Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Google: stock at record high

Oh wait,

Small businesses: 21% closed; revenue for rest down 30%. 

(h/t Dan Price  @DanPriceSeattle)


Meanwhile ...

The accommodation and food service activities industry had the highest percentage of businesses with no or low confidence that their businesses would survive the next three months, at 34%



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Bob Moran @bobscartoons

We are being conditioned to believe that our freedom is no longer a right. It is merely a reward to be earned by obediently adhering to the latest nonsensical government regulations.


meanwhile, oh ... so masks don't actually work then?

A Randomized Controlled Trial

'Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers'



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Hot on the heels of the study posted above showing masks don't prevent Covid transmission comes a paper in Nature showing that there is NO asymptomatic transmission of Covid.

Sooo, mask wearing and locking down the healthy does not prevent or even slow down the transmission of Covid.

There was never any 'scientific' evidence to support mask wearing or locking down the healthy except for those ludicrous Imperial College models, now there is very real scientific evidence that they DON'T work at all.




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Do not use the govt Track and Trace app, it is pure evil.

In the first clip below Hancock refuses to answer the question regarding false positives and is adamant that if you're contacted as having had contact with someone who tested positive you must self isolate for 2 weeks (large fine for non compliance).

Apparently the Times ran an article citing 30% of cases are false positives, we know immunologists say more like 90%, while Johnson himself said the tests were only 7% accurate.

Meanwhile even msm is waking up to this Covid farce being just a dry run for the onset of 'The Great Reset' which will use the same tactics to 'change the world forever'.

As Bob Moran says, you are being conditioned to think of freedom not as a right but as a reward.

The Great Reset is where we turn over control of our lives to the Davos super-rich who know what's best for us apparently, a process that has already begun.

Amazon: profit up 100%. Walmart: profit up 80%. Target: profit up 80%. Lowe's: profit up 74%. Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Google: stock at record high

Oh wait,

Small businesses: 21% closed; revenue for rest down 30%. 



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"This is great (paper published in Nature, see Sat post above). The first time the notion of “asymptomatic transmission” was mentioned, I smelled a rat. It’s biologically implausible.

Not saying it’s never happened once, but as an important contribution to transmission? No. To be a source, you need lots of virus in your airway.

But once that happens, you will be symptomatic, either because the virus is injuring your lung lining (epithelium) or because you’re fighting it off (or both).

You can’t be both a virulent source AND not have symptoms.

Yet it was on the basis that you often wouldn’t show symptoms yet place others at risk that MASS TESTING, all the time, in ever-increasing numbers, was commenced.

Now we formally know what basic biology & immunology told us, we can HALT MASS TESTING OF THE ASYMPTOMATIC. We’ve said it for months. Mr Hancock, stop it now."

Yardley Yeadon


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(not the cost of Covid-19 but the cost of the govt's disastrous response to a virus that's no more deadly than the common flu)

The REAL cost of Covid-19: RUTH SUNDERLAND's terrifying dossier exploring the full economic damage will make you ask... can we afford to keep the brakes on Britain?

  • National debt more than £2 trillion, equivalent of year’s output by entire country 
  • Borrowing from April to October was £170 billion higher than period in 2019 
  • Bank of England believes unemployment rate will to peak at around 7.75 per cent


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Interesting blog piece covering many aspects with many references.


 ... Quote: “Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry.
  But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land. Yes, we do have a pandemic, but it’ a pandemic of ginned up pseudo-science masquerading as unbiased fact.” Unquote

'The current Z Score analysis of varying European nations reveals NO CURRENT EXCESS DEATH SPIKES from the “horrible, fearful dreaded second wave” of Covid 19 in Denmark, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg,  Malta, Norway, Sweden, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.   

The virus has cleverly decided not to cause havoc in those nations'

Quote:“PCR tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones ..."

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In the UK, the median age of death from Covid is: - 81 for men - 85 for women (source: Office For National Statistics, 14 Oct 2020)

The average life expectancy in the UK is: - 80 for men - 83 for women.

(ZUBY:  @ZubyMusic)


If you take away the 95% aged and moribund you are left with just 1 death/million (Ireland), that's some pandemic 🤔

Meanwhile, short vid on mad teachers fear mongering plus some actual scientific facts, how did we get here?



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ITALY: Consumers association says false positives to Covid19 test as diagnosis are 95%. Legal cases started against testing under charges of fraud to procure public funding, false alarm, ideological false, and manslaughter.

Robin Monotti Graziadei

@robinmonotti   3h



Meanwhile Spanish Health Dept warns mask wearing, even when indoors alone or distanced will continue all through 2021. 


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I totally agree with that. Switzerland's experience with COVID back this up. They succeeded in halving COVID infections this winter WITHOUT a national lockdown. Instead, they've implemented local changes where the diseases was out of control and health systems were under stress. But only minimal changes in the rest of the country.

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