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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Apropos of GBP/JPY, it tapped support/resistance a few times then dropped again. Nice!
  2. In the meantime, why not make money by following the trend?
  3. I feel the same way about FX, although I did find an interesting pair (notice how responsive it is in response to a negative news event):
  4. I hope so too, and this will be the case if large-scale government investment drives up the interest rates. British business is falling on its ****
  5. Retail sales -0.6% compared to est 0.5% Interest rate cut on the way, short the pound
  6. Sometime you just get taken by surprise by sudden reversals
  7. Wonder where this will go 🤔 You see I cashed out already. But I'm ready to go back in when the time is right, Matilda.
  8. It has indeed bounced off the upward trend, only just though 🤔
  9. I beg your pardon, the spread is only 34 points now
  10. 'Global cannabis sales grew 48% to $15 billion in 2019' Hit resistance though
  11. Well, apparently the consensus is for another year of dollar strength 🤔
  12. They did the same thing to Bernie Sanders, makes him look bad but doesn't tell the whole story (he offered to shake her her and she refused) https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-stock-options/investors-see-smoother-path-for-u-s-stocks-as-warrens-election-odds-slip-idUKKBN1ZF17Y
  13. There's a 60 point spread on this stock (so you're paying IG £60 just to trade it), so it's out of the question to SB/CFD on it. It's also a really expensive stock to buy, £75 for one share? Wow. At least it pays a dividend of 40p per share hahahaha
  14. This seems pretty generous, he'll be the only bloke trading it so I bet IG will be hedging by betting against him Or with him, if he's any good
  15. Might be a breakout to the upside, especially seeing as how the FTSE 100 is taking a dump this morning.
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