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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Looks like today is going to be 'one of those days' - low volume, price up and down and all over the place, avoid like the MFing plague.
  2. dmedin


    lol! Meanwhile, price of oil falls.
  3. Could be short-lived ... https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-politics-javid/javid-aims-to-double-uk-growth-after-brexit-ft-idUKKBN1ZG2HB The guy looks and sounds like a demon ...
  4. It will ... anything that starts in Germany will be imposed on the rest of Europe
  5. Morning star (morning glory) in the offing?
  6. Sounds like the big corporates are covering their asses and lobbying for more rules that limit competition and participation by the 'little people'. Some people blame socialism but if it is, it's socialism of the rich because the state is totally in the hands of the billionaires and the big banks.
  7. The British are far too concerned with being elitist, classist and looking down their noses at Americanisms 🤣
  8. Uh ... That's horrible. Why? Edit: having a read through the rest of the thread
  9. I'll be looking out for long opportunities too. 😎🤑
  10. Hahaha ... yes, the 'dark liquidity pools' ... makes me think of swamps in dark forests where there are colourful toads and witches and goblins and all manner of sorceries and wickedness!
  11. @RCtrader Good idea. I'll be looking out for more shorting opportunities on GBP next week. (Even although the COT is showing large speculators as net long for the first time in a long time.)
  12. A consolidation triangle, before resuming the prior trend 🐮
  13. Hahaha oh yes, Tyler Durden, the archetypal Alpha Male who single-handedly will bring down the whole debt-fuelled financial system 😎 One of the best movies ever!
  14. I have one as well (graduated 2005). Do you remember econometrics? GDP charts were always shown as trending up, although actual figures vary around the regression line the trend is clear. If GDP always goes up in the long run, the stock market has to as well. Simple. Now, that's just mainstream economics and we all know mainstream economics is bull-locks.
  15. Will it make a bouncy bouncy off the pivot? 🤔
  16. Chapping at the door my bonnie loon 😻
  17. dmedin


    Looks like all the negative news is priced in and the only way is up from here 🤔
  18. Look now, it's tapping at the door of S1. And if S1 refuses to let it in it will go and knock at S2's door
  19. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-tesla-probe/u-s-will-look-at-sudden-acceleration-complaints-involving-500000-tesla-vehicles-idUKKBN1ZG1IW?il=0
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