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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Agreed. Doesn't look like there's a good chance to trade yet, in either direction
  2. Finally! An excuse for the herd to change direction...
  3. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/capitalism-does-more-harm-than-good-global-survey-us-china-115343685.html EIGHTY PERCENT of workers know that their job is cr@p and they'll probably be forced to find another cr@ppy job within five years. Ouch! it's getting harder to fool the masses these days.
  4. dmedin


    Oil spent the whole day sliding down, down, down. Just horrible.
  5. Poor Jeremy Naylor looked and sounded knackered this morning and you can hear Victoria Scholar yawning during 'trade of the week'. (these continue to be absolutely awful haha) It's very important for people to get enough sleep. Please read the book 'Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams' by Matthew Walker.
  6. Zut alors Samwise Gamgee, will it fall right back down to 1003?
  7. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-metals-copper-ahome/column-funds-buy-into-copper-as-trade-war-uncertainty-lifts-idUKKBN1ZJ1NB
  8. Of course, now that Britain is out of the EU, there is nobody to really stand up to Germany and France so they have a totally free reign to do whatever they want. That's progress
  9. Cut ties with Europe and get closer with Africa instead - the road to riches no doubt. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-africa-investment-johnson/as-brexit-nears-johnson-pushes-for-deeper-trade-ties-with-africa-idUKKBN1ZI0TJ I'm sure those environmentally friendly breweries will generate prosperity for generations of English people to come.
  10. @CharlotteIG I don't get all the numbered sections on the white space on that chart ... confused?
  11. Fear not, BoJo will shore up British business by stumping for great business deals in Africa!
  12. Looks like it has definitely broken out of the symmetrical triangle to the downside 😱 😆
  13. RSI is smoother and gives fewer signals, which to me is a good thing, because I would rather have fewer, more meaningful signals than lots of ups and downs of dubious quality.
  14. Germany 30 looks like it is getting a bit of momentum, come on - let's get to 13600 at least 🐮
  15. Great, will have a look tonight! (RSI is my favourite though!)
  16. I heard that Trump is not only going himself but taking his family and his cronies too. All the piggies have their snouts in the trough - nepotism, cronyism and corruption galore. Making USA great again.
  17. I'm sure they were delighted. Friendly bunch down there.
  18. BoJo the clown is stumping for business - in Africa. Good luck Bojo! Maybe you will find kindred liars and swindlers in Nigeria
  19. Uh, opening an 'office' usually means a small shell company or branch for legal and accounting reasons. Only employing a handful of people, normally. Doesn't inspire anyone with any confidence.
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