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Question: what is causing all the deaths in under 45's - it ain't Covid? What is it?



(Ivor Cummins @FatEmperor)




Meanwhile Austria, Australia and New Zealand go full fascist retard.

COVID Madness Down Under Continues - Queensland Premier States Quarantine Camps are For Unvaccinated - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)



The Prime Minister of New Zealand proudly admits that she has created two classes of people — the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.


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'Public health officials and the medical establishment with the help of the politicized media are misleading the public with assertions that the COVID-19 shots provide greater protection than natural immunity. 

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, for example, was deceptive in her October 2020 published LANCET statement that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection” and that “the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future.”'

 91 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted ⋆ Brownstone Institute

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Find a Job:  


Apply for this job today!  


''Assist with the rollout of Vaccine Passports.''





Meanwhile in Scotland;

'Scotland: The govt’s vaccination passport scheme shares the personal data of users with a host of private firms including Amazon, Microsoft, ServiceNow, Royal Mail and an AI facial recognition firm.'

Luther @LutherBurgsvik


Vaccination passport app shares personal data of users with Amazon and Royal Mail - Daily Record


Though did see an unconfirmed report Scotland had just abandoned rollout?


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Some interesting replies, seem to have elements of truth.

YES, "The truth is out there".

Another data source for info is:


Some think it is a political ploy. NO CHANCE. Politicians are ALWAYS ADVISED from various sources, including the faceless top brass Civil Servants (who probably have their contacts). Different groups & different biases often exist and even may conflict. Another source IS THE LOBBY SYSTEM of the big PR companies that represent BIG COMPANIES INTERESTS AND AGENDA(That bypasses the Democracy system).

We live in a world of VESTED INTERESTS, PARTICULARLY FROM big companies.


Point 1:

In Asia -- example: In an Indian village people had covid.

SOLUTION: Vitman C every few hours (fact - it fights bacteria & viruses ), tumeric power + other herbs and a DAILY HEAD STEAM with a towel over one's head for roughly 20-30 minutes). The older generation in every country remember that they use to use the head steam as a standard solution.

Point 2:

Decon 7 Disinfectant & Decontamination

WHY HAVE GOVERNMENTS NOT USED THIS, NOR MAKE ALL COMPANIES USE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE WHEN IT DOES AN EXCELLENT JOB. Then no major shut-downds or job losses would have been needed.  ref.:


There are other souces on the net giving more data. In short, after Anthrex situation many years ago governments (via military) researched a solution that kills all bacteria & viruses to 99.999%. The Dencon 7 was an industrial solution.



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Great news, we are finding out more and more about these vaccines thanks to your participation in these trials 👍 

For example;  

'No children should be receiving the AZ vaccine as it is considered dangerous for under-40s and is no longer recommended for that age range. This is because it can cause vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), characterised by blood clots and low platelets, which is more prevalent in younger people; but 11,496 children have been injected with 21,468 doses. The impact on those children has been enormous, with 1 in 49 adverse events reported.'

Serious adverse reaction risks behind those child jab invitations - The Conservative Woman

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To be clear, you must get vaccinated to protect the vaccinated from the disease they were vaccinated against.  

As Canada join Australia and New Zealand in going full fascist retard and creating a 2 tier police state a reminder of the litany of lies that got us here.  

They said covid was not spread by aerosol, only by droplets, so a 2 metre gap between people would allow the droplets to fall to ground. Total lie and they knew it, covid is spread by droplets AND aerosol, same as every other coronavirus in history.  

Same rationale for masks, masks would stop droplets but not virus spread as aerosol, but covid was not spread by aerosol they said. A lie.  

They said natural immunity did not work with covid, that was a lie as 91 studies now show.

They said treatments such as ivermectin didn't work with covid, that was a lie as 64 studies now show.

With the PCR test run at 40 cycles, as it was from the start, they knew would produce a huge number of false positives, but that served their purpose so that was fine. Until the vaccines came out, so then the CDC announced it would only count vaxxed positive samples at 28 cycles or under (and so exclude most of the false positives) but unvaxxed samples at 40 cycles was still fine (so biased asymmetric testing giving fraudulent comparative data).

Currently UK hospitals are apparently over run with non vaxxed covid patients but actually only 5% of the 110,000 NHS beds are occupied by all covid patients 60% of whom came into hospital with something else altogether and tested positive once there, PCR false positives? Yes if they are asymptomatic.


Vaccines have never worked for highly mutable diseases or diseases with animal reservoirs and these vaccines are no different.

Note no one is looking for the animal reservoir for covid anymore because it was obviously man made.

It is also clear that alpha, that these vaccines were based on, is long gone and delta (and any subsequent mutations) are already resistant. This is a race a highly mutable virus always wins and they knew it.

'' The largest population-based study comparing the unvaccinated/naturally immune to the vaccinated found that vaccinated people were 6 to 13 times more likely to get infected, 27 times more likely to get symptomatic infections, and 8 times more likely to be hospitalized.''   Aaron Kheriaty, MD @akheriaty

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections (medrxiv.org)

The logical course is to vax less not more, targeting the vulnerable and allowing those at minimal risk to gain real herd immunity for everyone.

But the course that's been set of vaxxing more and more will likely result in increasing deaths due to vaccine ADE, ever more infectious and deadly mutants attacking people's vaccine deranged immune system.

As this was the result of the last attempt to make a coronavirus vaccine they must have known this was likely to happen this time as well.

Makes you wonder if the aim all along was to create a dependency for continuous vaccine upgrades.



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9News Australia @9NewsAUS
A wide-scale COVID booster program is being fast-tracked using supplies of Pfizer.
The rollout could start within days, with 1.5 million Australians given a third dose by Christmas.

Stephen Yolland @yolly1234
replying to Oz MP

So if we had 2 x Astra Zeneca are we now SUPPOSED to get Pfizer. Could you actually give CLEAR advice, just for once?





Meanwhile latest survival rate numbers from the US.

New Covid Pre-print:
Drs Ioannidis & Axfors at Stanford

Age Infection Survival Rate
0-19 99.9973%
20-29 99.986%
30-39 99.969%
40-49 99.918%
50-59 99.73%
60-69 99.41%
70+ 97.6% (non-inst.)
70+ 94.5% (all)

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Marty Makary MD, MPH  @MartyMakary


My Johns Hopkins research team is leading a long-term study of natural immunity because the NIH and CDC are not doing it. They have $50 billion and 30,000 employees and yet can't seen to conduct one of the most important studies we need done to inform the public.


Martin Kulldorff @MartinKulldorff


“Since the Athenian plague in 430 B.C. … we have known about natural immunity. So it’s strange that suddenly people are questioning that.”

Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff: Hospitals Should Hire Nurses with Natural Immunity, Not Fire Them (theepochtimes.com)

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19 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Marty Makary MD, MPH  @MartyMakary


My Johns Hopkins research team is leading a long-term study of natural immunity because the NIH and CDC are not doing it. They have $50 billion and 30,000 employees and yet can't seen to conduct one of the most important studies we need done to inform the public.


Martin Kulldorff @MartinKulldorff


“Since the Athenian plague in 430 B.C. … we have known about natural immunity. So it’s strange that suddenly people are questioning that.”

Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff: Hospitals Should Hire Nurses with Natural Immunity, Not Fire Them (theepochtimes.com)

Indeed, were one to suspect any ulterior or malign motives where NIH and CDC are concerned is akin to conspiracy. Why would they need to research long-term immunity when the vaccines are working so effectively and big pharma have been so timely and heroic in their endeavours? Simply questioning the CDC, NIH and soon to be canonised Fauci, regarding this should also be forbidden. Ant- vaxer positions should be discounted  and thoroughly discredited, even if some of them have been vaccinated, aren't anti vax and are asking reasonable questions. Remember, curiosity killed the cat, just as surely as you have a 15% chance of hospitalisation (vaccinated or not) and less than a 2% chance of CV19 killing you....or higher if you have not been vaccinate (depending on age , fitness and medical comorbidity).. remember any side effects, like inflation  and life itself, are only transient...believe everything you are told, it's for your own good.

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7 minutes ago, 786Trader said:

Indeed, were one to suspect any ulterior or malign motives where NIH and CDC are concerned is akin to conspiracy. Why would they need to research long-term immunity when the vaccines are working so effectively and big pharma have been so timely and heroic in their endeavours? Simply questioning the CDC, NIH and soon to be canonised Fauci, regarding this should also be forbidden. Ant- vaxer positions should be discounted  and thoroughly discredited, even if some of them have been vaccinated, aren't anti vax and are asking reasonable questions. Remember, curiosity killed the cat, just as surely as you have a 15% chance of hospitalisation (vaccinated or not) and less than a 2% chance of CV19 killing you....or higher if you have not been vaccinate (depending on age , fitness and medical comorbidity).. remember any side effects, like inflation  and life itself, are only transient...believe everything you are told, it's for your own good.

Experiments banned in the US, no problem, out source it instead, but poor Fauxci may have disastrously over stepped the mark, not the proven NIH funded 'gain of function' research at Wuhan that resulted in mass deaths worldwide but because of the harm done to puppies by NIH funded research in Tunisia.

#Arrest Fauci has been trending in the US all week.


"Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles & lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive"



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1 minute ago, Caseynotes said:

Experiments banned in the US, no problem, out source it instead, but poor Fauxci may have disastrously over stepped the mark, not the proven NIH funded 'gain of function' research at Wuhan that resulted in mass deaths worldwide but because of the harm done to puppies by NIH funded research in Tunisia.

#Arrest Fauci has been trending in the US all week.


"Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles & lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive"



Another example of the necessity of animal experiments furthered by the inestimable Tony Baloney Fauci.

Bats in Wuhan. Beagles in Tunisia. remember it's for our own good. Even if a few animals are sacrificed on the altar of medical research. It's for your own good and if you know what's good for you, you would be reminded to stop asking questions and doing any research, even if you are a qualified analyst. Don't mess with the narrative...

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So for the over 18s at best the vaccines do nothing.   

PLC @Humble_Analysis  2h   

For all ages >18, the vast majority of covid infections reported by the NHS in UK are vaccinated. For those over 40, more than 90% of cases are vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 42 (publishing.service.gov.uk)




Meanwhile in the US,  FDA today to vote on vaccines for kids;


Justin Hart @justin_hart  

Dr. Cody Meissner speaking at the FDA vote for EUA status - very bravely tells it like it is. 'We don’t know how safe it is, the risk is so low already for healthy children, if we approve it … mandates will follow which is bad.' 

Just know - Dr Meissner is the exception :/  



Edited by Caseynotes
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The insanity continues because you obviously haven't had enough yet.

Right, so we can’t use Ivermectin because “We don’t have enough data,” But.. “Let’s vaccinate children to see how safe the vaccine is because we don’t have enough data.”  


Breaking911 @Breaking911  1h  

FDA Panelist & Harvard Medical School professor Dr. Eric Ruben on inoculating kids 5–11 with COVID vaccine: “We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”  


Meanwhile Once approval for vax for kids is given mandates will follow in spite of the fact both common flu and suicide kills more.  




All the while completely open Florida has the lowest case rate in the nation. 


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Sydney gym where you must show your vax passport to get in suffers covid outbreak of 15 members so now you must present your vax passport AND a negative test ... kind of makes the passport somewhat superfluous don't you think?  






New Lancet Study From Sweden Shows Vaccine Effectiveness Against Infection Dropping to ZERO and Sharp Decline Against Severe Disease As Well.  

New Lancet Study From Sweden Shows Vaccine Effectiveness Against Infection Dropping to Zero and Sharp Decline Against Severe Disease As Well – The Daily Sceptic

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If your immune system has never come into contact with covid yet then you must have been living in a cave for the last 18 months.

95% of people who test positive to covid have only minor flu like symptoms or no symptoms at all.

97% of UK adults have covid antibodies either from the vax or natural contact or both.

A PCR test run at 28 cycle thresholds would identify those who actually had covid but so does having symptoms (covid is by far the current dominant respiratory virus).

But the current PCR test being run at 40 cycle thresholds just picks out people who have old dead viral fragments which is a sign of a properly functioning immune system.

The fraudulent PCR test and it's fake 'cases' numbers is the only thing still holding this scam together.

Meanwhile the increasingly urgent push for 100% vaccination while ignoring natural immunity is successfully creating a vaccine dependant population.


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla estimates the company will produce a whopping 4 billion doses of their COVID-19 vaccine next year.



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Latest Infection Fatality Rate (for the UK) from Cambridge University.

Overall  IFR 0.19%.

All age groups below 75 are less than 1%.




BUT vaccine efficacy just 50% at 5 months and less than ZERO (negative) at 8 months.




AND rising infection rates in all vaccinated age groups.




Time to get off the vax highway fast.


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Reminder; the truth will not be tolerated.


Hide the Vaccine Failure: UKHSA Caves to Pressure and Removes Chart Showing Higher Infection Rates in the Vaccinated – as Effectiveness Hits New Low of Minus-132%


''... Now, though, the text of the report aligns with Dr Ramsay’s statement. It says: “Comparing case rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection.”

It is difficult to overstate how outrageous this it. It amounts to Government attempting to redefine a basic concept of immunology, vaccine effectiveness, because it is not currently giving the ‘correct’ answer for the Government’s narrative. It is in fact a false statement. Comparing case rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations not only should be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness, it is the definition of vaccine effectiveness, namely the reduction in infection rates in the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.'' 



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'Lockdowns and restrictions are solely based on computer modelling... (and lies from China and the WHO). They predicted SWEDEN to be a blood bath.. It did not happen.. It's all FUNDAMENTALLY flawed from the beginning.'

(Happy Trader @HappyTradesMan)   




And latest US VAERS data,


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The private jets roll in with the Davos Billionaire's Club members and requiring 2 airports to park them all. COP 26 is to thrash out how to get the serfs to stop using planes and private cars and eat less meat but of course the hard work has already been done with the covid lockdowns. They will agree to anything to avoid all that again.


The future is shaping up nicely, the elites will own everything while the serfs will own nothing and so long as they don't stop working they might even be happy.

Why it's almost as if covid and the climate change agenda's are just scams to persuade the serfs to hand over everything.

All this could not have been possible without the Davos Billionaire's WEF and their globalist re-education camps for the 'Young Global Leaders'. 

'The best way of describing YGL is like primary school. When you graduate you go to the WEF which is secondary school.'

Interesting short thread 'Who Are The Young Global Leaders That Have Been Handpicked To Bring About Global Change ?'

A Thread from @ThreadsIrish: "1. Who Are The Young Global Leaders That Have Been Handpicked To Bring About Global Change ? Recognisable [...]" (threader.app)





Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Advisor, says, “people will have to eat less meat and cut down on flights to tackle climate change.” @Telegraph - just as the billionaires & 1000s of climate groupies jet into #COP26COP26_2021.png The Age of Sanctimony is upon us.

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Oh dear, never mind, same as politicians and masks it's all just for show anyway.

Zero covid becomes zero carbon at COP26 except for China who agrees to build a new coal fired power station every month for the foreseeable future.

NEW: More than 400 private jets carrying world leaders and business executives to Cop26 will blast 13,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.   Politics For All @PoliticsForAlI  

COP26 in Glasgow. 20 Tesla cars brought to ferry them 50 miles back and forth. Gleneagles has one charging station. Malcolm Plant Hire contracted to supply diesel and generators to recharge the Teslas'.   overnight.  Lee @VictoryDay_Hope



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Elon Musk  @elonmusk  

If WFP (UN World Food Programme) can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.


Richard Grenell  @RichardGrenell  3h  

I worked at the UN for 8 years. They don’t know how to solve anything - they are a political organization. They need the issue.   


PCRclaims @pcrclaims  2h  

We've known that 2020 was not about a virus but seeding behavioural change. Politicians also knew or had it explained to them in the context of climate change. Only for that reason did they play along with the illiberal madness. Problem is, anthropogenic CC is also madness!  


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One week of data in Australia.  

Gautam Goswami @real_GGoswami  9h  

UPDATE Entries in TGA (#Australia ) DAEN Database :- 11th Oct - 17th Oct, 2021 for #Pfizervaccine Myocarditis:- - 12 yrs old - 13 yrs old - 14 yrs old - 15 yrs old - 16 yrs old Pericarditis:- - 13 yrs old - 16 yrs old  

This is NOT normal!! #COVID19Aus #COVID19  




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Hahaha, yes cash has got to go, it's clearly a major contributor to global warming.

You are being played.


Boris Johnson  @BorisJohnson

I’ll be asking world leaders to take action on coal, cars, cash and trees – to keep alive the prospect of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees.

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The tactics being used to coerce to the CC agenda look remarkable similar to those used for the covid crisis agenda.


Fake Models;



Fake Polls;


John McGuirk @john_mcguirk  18h  

This poll finds that 62% of Irish people say the number of cattle should stay the same or increase, and yet the most dishonest and politically partisan media outlet in Ireland presents it as public support for limits.


Fake News Stories;


Dan Salt @Danjsalt

In 2020 the Maldives opened four new airports and expanded their main one. Furthermore a study by scientists from the University of Auckland showed that the land mass of the Maldives has expanded by 8% in the last 60 years.


Reminder that your Overlords are always 2 steps ahead of you ...


"The first public prototype of the UK Govt digital identity system 'One Login' is due to be available in April 2022 after securing £400 million in funding" "The app will be cloud-based and run on Amazon Web Services (AWS)".



‘Global warming provides a marvellous excuse for global socialism’ - Margaret Thatcher.


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8 minutes ago, Mark621 said:

Why does IG tolerate a ‘trading’ forum being highjacked by conspiracy theory nutters ? There’s plenty of space elsewhere on the internet where they are welcome, sadly…

Why are morons not able to comprehend the most important socio-economic events since WWII that continue to impact on everyone's life on a daily basis and have done for the last 18 months?

No one is preventing you from posting on *more important* issues, but clearly you can't or won't so FO.

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