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Charts being wiped out



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Likewise I also just got booted out of everything and can't log in.

Great time to have platform issues isn't it - not like volatility is huge right now 🙄 No wonder they warn most clients lose money - they naturally would if they can't enter/exit positions.

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I'm also facing this problem. Every now and then all my chart drawings are lost, colour palette and chart settings are reset. The worst thing is this happens every once in an while and when it happens, the settings reset intermittently in a few minutes if you try to draw anything or change any settings away from default.

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Having the same issues. Got kicked out just as a large trend reversal was starting, then couldn't log back in and then when I finally could I lost all my indicators. The charts are broken, wont keep settings and are highly frustrating. 

So not what I need to be in a trading mindset.

Utterly disappointed with IG, though it's not like it's the first time they have disappointed me. 

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1 hour ago, ChrisRobUK said:

Great time to have platform issues isn't it - not like volatility is huge right now

In all the time I've been here, I've seen this happen every time volatility spikes.  It's almost, ahem, coincidental.

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I'm seeing the same problem , all timescales default to 5 minutes,  I also lost the tick for at least a week (on more than 1 browser),  when you contact support they just say its working okay on their systems (of course it does) the overall system just seems flakey.

Come on IG sort this mess out.

You are costing us money

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5 minutes ago, dmedin said:

In all the time I've been here, I've seen this happen every time volatility spikes.  It's almost, ahem, coincidental.

I'd agree totally with the above. When the servers get busy personal settings disappear, the charts default to 5 mins and all personal chart data, trendlines, text etc disappear. Very frustrating and I personally will not trade on that basis. I learned long ago not to bother re-doing all my charts again as when the market closes all will be well again! Needs more server capacity obviously and therefore is not fit for purpose.

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1 hour ago, ChrisRobUK said:

Hi - facing a new issue on the platform. My charts are being wiped out and set to the same default every few minutes/seconds.


No matter what I configure, within a few moments it defaults to a 5min candle stick with no other indicators - what is happening?

Surely IG must compensate us for their failures?. Banks do.

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I've just managed to get through to the charts and technical side of IG on the phone.
A woman told me they're very sorry they're 'updating the platform' , to which I said, I didn't receive any notification there was going to be a platform update and interruption to my trading? 
She told me, I can still trade however the timeframe might reset . I assured her this isn't the case and i'm unable to keep it in any selected time frame or keep indicators on the chart without it reseting in a minute or so.

I was told this would be resolved within one hour. I then mentioned i'm currently in a forum on the IG community with other clients also dealing with the same issue, and this forum was already an hour old.

She more or less just apologised.

Honestly it really just feels like they're messing with the platform whenever it gets crazy.  Why would they chose to preform an update at US open on a crazy volatile day?  
Sounds like a bad excuse or she just didn't know what to say, either way, as a client, I feel like I'm being made to sit out on a profitable day and it sucks!

Sort it out IG!!!!

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Just had this back from them:

Due to high traffic on the site we had to prioritise dealing over analysis.  In order to maintain good execution we disabled some of the chart analysis tools. We hope to enable it again after the UK market close but it will depend on platform traffic. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Thanks for your email.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, we've recently launched our new Help & Support site which gives you answers from our huge knowledge-base, online community, and education hub.
Anton Liebenberg
Trading Services

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Yep , same here I managed to shut my day trades as had no levels to work to as kept disappearing , cost me a a lot of time and pips. Bad day to be doing a update should be on a weekend when the markets are quiet and not many trading 

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21 minutes ago, Burton said:

Just had this back from them:

Due to high traffic on the site we had to prioritise dealing over analysis.  In order to maintain good execution we disabled some of the chart analysis tools. We hope to enable it again after the UK market close but it will depend on platform traffic. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Thanks for your email.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, we've recently launched our new Help & Support site which gives you answers from our huge knowledge-base, online community, and education hub.
Anton Liebenberg
Trading Services

That's totally an unacceptable reason to disable chart tools , surely the platform runs locally when we load it up, what resources of IG would that take up, I can't understand how removing peoples analysis makes execution quicker?


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