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ONS data: UK Redundancy Rate.



Ed Conway  @EdConwaySky


Not a surprise but still no less depressing to observe. The UK’s redundancy rate - the proportion of employees being made redundant over the past three months - is at the highest level since comparable records began in 1995. Chart from this morning’s @ONS data



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51 minutes ago, Provaton said:

Grim news from the ONS:


yes, the sudden increase is very interesting and very worrying, it's the over 80s age group again and coincides with the vaccinations rollout 🤔





there is also the possibility though that it's the normal flu season numbers with added deaths due to lockdown.


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Ivor Cummins @FatEmperor


''Sweden - no lockdowns, no masks, hospitals emptying, antibodies through the roof in past weeks, very little excess mortality in 2020, beat the pants off ~25 countries - how? They followed WHO 2019 Pandemic Guidelines. They did not follow China CCP Propaganda Lockdown "Science"


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12 minutes ago, Provaton said:

No idea where this number comes from.


UK death rate of 2.7% therefore a  survival rate of 97.3%

And let's conveniently ignore all the long term problems experienced by many of the survivors...

you really do live in a bubble don't you.

the long term affects experienced by many covid survivors will be nothing compared to the long term affects of lockdown. UK govt report last July estimated 200,000 premature deaths over the next 5 years. US estimating 1.37 million deaths resulting from job losses and recession caused by lockdown business closures over the next few years went through this morning, I think from Forbes magazine.

Meanwhile data from ONS still a bit confusing as they they can't decide on numbers 'involving' covid or 'due to' covid and somehow end up with more covid deaths than excess deaths.

anyway, no doubt you'll BS yourself with some pedantic drivel complaining about these stats. The argument has swung so far away from the msm BS no one really cares about the die hard whingers. You should start a new thread as well, then you won't need to bother wasting my time. 





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8 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

you don't actually know what these restrictions are do you 🤣

Since you quickly respond without reading the article, here is a bit of text I copied from it. 

The decision comes as Sweden, which has the highest per capita COVID death rate of all Scandinavian countries, struggles to battle a second wave of the virus with emergency wards filling up to critical capacity.

You have to look for another country to prove your point, dear.

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3 minutes ago, Provaton said:

Used to be quoted as "look how great they are doing without a lockdown", here are the 4 Scandinavian countries today:


this bs was rejected from the start, not comparable, Sweden has similar pop density to UK. don't waste time regurgitating old bs, just shows how behind the curve you are.


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Just now, jlz said:

Since you quickly respond without reading the article, here is a bit of text I copied from it. 

The decision comes as Sweden, which has the highest per capita COVID death rate of all Scandinavian countries, struggles to battle a second wave of the virus with emergency wards filling up to critical capacity.

You have to look for another country to prove your point, dear.

and that would be covid deaths as by the faulty PCR test then.

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3 minutes ago, jlz said:

Since you quickly respond without reading the article, here is a bit of text I copied from it. 

The decision comes as Sweden, which has the highest per capita COVID death rate of all Scandinavian countries, struggles to battle a second wave of the virus with emergency wards filling up to critical capacity.

You have to look for another country to prove your point, dear.

this is the '2nd' wave from the latest data posted by someone just a few hours ago who lives in Sweden 


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The risk of posting fake data to prove a lie is that others can check it and disprove it.

Your data is too weak, it is too easy to disprove it. Fake numbers, cooked screenshots, weird memes... You can't expect people to buy it, we all have the option to Google it and see where that data is wrong, dear.

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17 minutes ago, jlz said:

wtf, that's a completely different article about overall European boundaries, the interesting thig about that is how concisely a virus respects international boarders 🤣

complete drivel and just shows how different labs misuse the PCR

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4 minutes ago, jlz said:

The risk of posting fake data to prove a lie is that others can check it and disprove it.

Your data is too weak, it is too easy to disprove it. Fake numbers, cooked screenshots, weird memes... You can't expect people to buy it, we all have the option to Google it and see where that data is wrong, dear.

and you have never disproved any of it, 'ohohoh, that's slightly out of date boohoo'.

the gist is clear and you have never shown otherwise.


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6 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

and you have never disproved any of it, 'ohohoh, that's slightly out of date boohoo'.

the gist is clear and you have never shown otherwise.


I have a feeling that you are no longer posting on this thread to do anything but to start arguments. It is obvious where you have been disproved, not only by me, also by others, with all sort of links and official reports. 

It is hopeless to carry on replying to you, you ego is on the way and you will never admit when you are wrong. 

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1 minute ago, jlz said:

I have a feeling that you are no longer posting on this thread to do anything but to start arguments. It is obvious where you have been disproved, not only by me, also by others, with all sort of links and official reports. 

It is hopeless to carry on replying to you, you ego is on the way and you will never admit when you are wrong. 

disproved nothing, you fast search garbage and expect everyone to swallow it as if it's real even when I've shown it's garbage, total self delusion.

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11 minutes ago, Provaton said:

Just from your posts this afternoon:

  • Sweden: "very little excess mortality in 2020" DISPROVED:
  • Covid: "99.9% survival rate" DISPROVED
  • UK vs Sweden population density: DISPROVED

I could go on...

disproved nothing, you fast search garbage and expect everyone to swallow it as if it's real even when I've shown it's garbage, total self delusion.

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A prof writes ...

Yardley Yeadon @MichaelYeadon3
The witch-hunting of lockdown sceptics - spiked
I’m among those who, apparently, belong in a circle of hell for questioning both the narrative & the data itself. I’m not a right-winger or indeed any winger. I’m not paid to express the views that I do.

The witch-hunting of lockdown sceptics. The demonisation of dissenters has reached hysterical proportions.https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/01/19/the-witch-hunting-of-lockdown-sceptics/

I’m well-qualified to assess what we’re told & much of it is wrong. I don’t know why & I never speculate because I’m not qualified to do so. The virus exists & has certainly contributed to many deaths. That’s about the only thing Govt & SAGE says that’s correct, IMO. What I... 

...have never done is to encourage anyone to break the absurd rules. I’ve questioned the absence of any long term safety data & non-clinical reproductive toxicology data. I’ve even recommended those at obviously elevated risk of death if infected to consider getting vaccinated. 

So when I question everything else, citing peer reviewed articles by eminent researchers, clearly showing that lockdowns do not significantly inhibit spreading or reduce mortality, that’s what experienced scientists do. When I observe in frustration that it’s invalid to operate.. 

...a medical diagnostic test without regularly characterising its operational false positive rate, I do so because it’s true. There are no exceptions or excuses for this lack. What is also true is that it’s impossible to interpret the results. No way to tell what fraction of.. 

...positive results are true vs false. This invalidity permeates every other measure upon which to navigate this crisis, so that we cannot even be sure what fraction of deaths attributed to Covid19 are correct. I am not a signed up member of a campaigning group, though I’m in... 

...regular contact with thoughtful people in numerous groups, all wanting nothing more than transparency in the data & underlying assumptions being used to set policy. If I was a neutral observer, looking at my actions, I’d be hard pressed to find a reason why I might be... 

...sticking my head above the parapet, other than my several decades of relevant expertise in interpreting complex biological data sets is telling me we’re being seriously misled. I’ve no history of public comment on anything before this crisis. Like you all, I too am a victim.. 

..of the malign & extended effects of policy for which there is no evidence. You’re entirely free to ignore everything I write. So how critics believe me asking questions leads to deaths seems to me to irrational & causes me to question their motives. 



Edited by Caseynotes
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