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Posts posted by AndaIG

  1. Hi @Jgoold

    Thanks for the question

    If a share does not appear when you search for it, it would usually mean that we do not offer it. You can request for that share to be added to the platform if it trades on one of the exchanges that we offer. The shares desk would then assess the share based on their risk based criteria and revert back to you with an outcome. You send requests to add shares to helpdesk.uk@ig.com. 



  2. Hi @hamza2304

    1. There is no minimum or maximum to the number of trades that will qualify. The discount would be applied for the month regardless on the number of times traded that month. Take note that each trade would have to have less than GBP25000 notional value .

    2. Yes you would be entitled to the discount continuously if you place 3+ trades every month going forward. 

    Hope this helps


  3. Hi @TomTeej

    Thanks for the query

    The point to point drawing tool remains on the same points regardless of the timeframe. Moving from one time frame to the other will result in different candles at your specified points i.e a point on a 4 hr timeframe will have a different corresponding candle on a 1 hr timeframe. I would suggest trying out one of the indicators, e.g we recently added the SuperTrend. All the best 



    15 hours ago, Guest Ryan Thomson said:

    The info button on index options advises that prices are based on the futures price adjusted for dividends, interest rate etc. How exactly are index futures adjusted for dividends? I know that spread bets on index futures receive an amount equal to the dividend as a payment directly to IG account.

    Hi Ryan

    Index futures which are dated are not adjusted for dividends as the effect of dividends and interest has already been included in the price. We will thus take the price directly from the exchange and wrap IG spread around that. 

    Our cash indices are a synthetic product that is created by IG. To price them we will take the futures price directly from the exchange, we will then make a fair value adjustment(add dividends and deduct interest) to derive a cash price. That is why you will pay interest on a daily basis and have dividend adjustments when trading the cash contract whereas this will not occur on the dated contract. All the best 


  5. Hi @Gertrude

    Thank you for the query,

    You would need to be cognizant of the spread or the commission charged in a particular trade. Two equivalent bet sizes should bring about the same running profit for an equivalent point movement, however there would be differences in the charges. Please refer to the below links. One will give you the differences between demo and live trading, the other will provide you with our live account charges. All the best 




  6. Hi @LTownly

    Thanks for the question

    You would not need to use force open if you were opening multiple positions in the same direction. The platform would keep them separate as each would have its own opening level. The platform will net off positions by default. So you would need to use force open if you were taking a trade in the opposing direction to what you already hold, and you wanted the position to remain separate instead of closing what you already hold. All the best


  7. Hi @RFSmithers

    We are actively investigating MT5 and the value it can deliver to our clients. We are looking at this very closely however we do have to prioritize the client experience on MT4. This means it may take some time before MT5 is available. The working parts that would exist between IG and MT5 are quite a task to work to and so it is likely it will be at least another year before we will see MT5. We do appreciate that is some time away, however the expression 'Measure twice, cut once' is very pertinent to what we are looking to achieve.

    Kind Regards


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