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Dividend Adjustments 19th December 2022 - 26th December 2022

Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 19th December 2022. These are projected dividends and likely to change. IG cannot be held responsible for any changes made. Dividends highlighted in red include a special dividend, therefore some or all of the amount will not be adjusted. Amount in brackets is the expected adjustment after special dividends excluded (where shown on major indices). Dividend adjustments due to be posted


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Dividend Adjustments 12th December 2022 - 19th December 2022

Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 12th December 2022. These are projected dividends and likely to change. IG cannot be held responsible for any changes made. Dividends highlighted in red include a special dividend, therefore some or all of the amount will not be adjusted. Amount in brackets is the expected adjustment after special dividends excluded (where shown on major indices). Dividend adjustments due to be posted


OfentseIG in General

2022 Festive Trading Hours

The festive season is upon us, with changes to our normal trading hours. Take note of these changes listed below (UK time) so you can plan your trading activity in advance. Date Market hours Friday 23 December UK markets close early at 12.30pm. FX and our out-of-hours markets close at 10pm Saturday 24 December All markets are closed Sunday 25


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Will Chinese economy recover in 2023?

There’s a growing sense that, if Chinese government sticks to the reopening path, China’s economy will have the greatest potential to deliver a strong rebound throughout the 2023, given that it has been so damaged by the pandemic. Source: Bloomberg   Indices China Economy of China Hang Se


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