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Tesla Q4 2022 earnings: More pain ahead?

After a decade of stunning gains saw the Tesla share price fall 65% during the course of 2022, effectively erasing $850 billion in stakeholder value, so what can we expect for Q4?   Source: Bloomberg   Shares Tesla, Inc. Share price Economics Market trend Twitter


MongiIG in Market News

Dividend Adjustments 23rd January 2023 - 30th January 2023

Please see the expected dividend adjustment figures for a number of our major indices for the week commencing 23rd January 2023. These are projected dividends and likely to change. IG cannot be held responsible for any changes made. Dividends highlighted in red include a special dividend, therefore some or all of the amount will not be adjusted. Amount in brackets is the expected adjustment after special dividends excluded (where shown on major indices). Dividend adjustments due to be posted o


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BoJ and USD/JPY: where and what are the risks?

Local press (Yomiuri Shimbun) reports BoJ was reviewing the “side effects” of easing and speculation has increased that BoJ will make another adjustment to Yield Curve Control on Wednesday's BoJ meeting. (No set time).   Source: Bloomberg   Forex Shares Bank of Japan Japanese yen Yield curve USD/JPY


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