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27 minutes ago, Burim said:

@Quacker have you tried ProRealTime? I to was heavy user of TV but have switched to ProRealTime.

Yeah I use PRT for some custom screens that I dump into TV.  I like PRT, but it's not as light and I need the flexibility to use across multiple platforms, PC, Mac, Phone etc.

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On 06/11/2021 at 00:07, Quacker said:

Tradingview offers more reliable charting platform and a fairly decent screener (Ability to create your own screens using Pinescript would be great).  One thing that the IG platform lacks is the ease in which you can create alerts. 

TV you can simply draw a line and have an alert trigger when price crosses.  -> Draw a line, right click, add alert.  or click the small plus symbol near the price scale, add alert.   Or select MA, add alert for cross.  

TV also offers a very flexible system in which users can customise appearance, custom indicators etc etc.

TV watch lists that are easy to scroll through, I screen hundreds of stocks in my watch lists each night on TV, In a second if the chart doesn't grab my attention its usually not worth trading,  I'm unaware if this quick scrolling acting is something IG currently offers.

As soon as TV offers the ability to connect and ASX broker I will certainly consider options and make the switch. 

Hi @Quacker

Thank you for your valuable suggestion and feedback. I will forward your feedback to our developers department to be reviewed.

All the best - MongiIG

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On 06/11/2021 at 00:07, Quacker said:

Tradingview offers more reliable charting platform and a fairly decent screener (Ability to create your own screens using Pinescript would be great).  One thing that the IG platform lacks is the ease in which you can create alerts. 

TV you can simply draw a line and have an alert trigger when price crosses.  -> Draw a line, right click, add alert.  or click the small plus symbol near the price scale, add alert.   Or select MA, add alert for cross.  

TV also offers a very flexible system in which users can customise appearance, custom indicators etc etc.

TV watch lists that are easy to scroll through, I screen hundreds of stocks in my watch lists each night on TV, In a second if the chart doesn't grab my attention its usually not worth trading,  I'm unaware if this quick scrolling acting is something IG currently offers.

As soon as TV offers the ability to connect and ASX broker I will certainly consider options and make the switch. 

Hi @Quacker

We are also working towards making IG trading platform charting developments better to provide a good user trading experience.

You did mention drawings and custom indicators, we would appreciate it if you could take part in the poll and vote as we are continuously working on adding more chart features to our IG trading platform to make your trading experience better. 

Share your valuable & useful feedback on the blog below:




All the best - MongiIG

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6 hours ago, brandonarmour said:

Would REALLY love to see IG integrated with TradingView.

Are there any plans to do so?

Hi @brandonarmour,

Thank you for your feedback. As you can see above we are aware that it is a feature that our clients would like to see.
We forward your feedback to the relevant department to be reviewed, we do have a partnership with TradingView for Pro + accounts but no integration at this point.

All the best - Arvin

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9 hours ago, brandonarmour said:

Would REALLY love to see IG integrated with TradingView.

Are there any plans to do so?

Hi @brandonarmour

Thanks for reaching out and your suggestion.

We are actively investigating TradingView and the values it can deliver to our clients. Naturally we are taking this very seriously and also using this as an opportunity to look at how we can work with 3rd party client trading technologies as a whole. Given the importance of this we have to prioritise the client experience of using TradingView and so this investigation phase has taken quite some time.

Being realistic it is not something we can expect this year but the next is looking promising. Apologies we are unable to be specific with a time frame however there are a number of moving parts. We will continue to give updates and feedback.


All the best - MongiIG

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9 hours ago, brandonarmour said:

Would REALLY love to see IG integrated with TradingView.

Are there any plans to do so?

What features in TradingView do you like and want to be able to use?

Please kindly share your valuable & useful feedback. I will forward this to our development team.


All the best - MongiIG

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On 02/11/2021 at 11:14, MongiIG said:

What features in TradingView do you like and want to be able to use?

Please kindly share your valuable & useful feedback. I will forward this to our development team.

It would be incredible to have a full broker integration with TradingView, namely:

- Having the datafeed for all instruments (mainly CFDs for FX, Commodities, Indices) in TradingView, the same way as FXCM and Oanda, and many others, with years of data to be able to backtest strategies

- Linking an IG account to TradingView so that one can trade directly from there

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On 12/11/2021 at 22:09, Kettch said:

It would be incredible to have a full broker integration with TradingView, namely:

- Having the datafeed for all instruments (mainly CFDs for FX, Commodities, Indices) in TradingView, the same way as FXCM and Oanda, and many others, with years of data to be able to backtest strategies

- Linking an IG account to TradingView so that one can trade directly from there

Hi @Kettch

Thank you for your valuable suggestion and feedback. I will forward your feedback to our developers department to be reviewed.

All the best - MongiIG

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  • 2 months later...
On 15/11/2021 at 06:45, MongiIG said:

Hi @Kettch

Thank you for your valuable suggestion and feedback. I will forward your feedback to our developers department to be reviewed.

All the best - MongiIG

I would second this feedback. I understand IG and TradingView are in talks but it has been the case for some time now. Is there an update?

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On 04/02/2022 at 22:16, Max_ said:

I would second this feedback. I understand IG and TradingView are in talks but it has been the case for some time now. Is there an update?

Hi @Max_,

I reached out to the development team for an update as we are moving into 2022.

Thank you - Arvin

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  • 2 months later...

Another vote in favour of full integration of IG with Trading View.

If I may speak out about my necessities, then I would require that I access my funds at IG from Trading View without the need to ever log in at IG. Therefore, a seemless trading experience at IG through the TradingView platform.

Thank you for the effort in implementing the integration.

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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Burim said:

With IBKR (Interactive Brokers) now available in TradingView, you have no excuses to delay the integration. IBKR being in TV is a major blow to you now. I'm already considering switching over.

I had started moving my funds into SAXO (Also have a connection with TV), but now IBKR is on board it's a no brainer.  Plus SAXO and IBKR offer more advanced order types that IG unfortunately do not offer in their share-trading platform.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/05/2022 at 09:33, Quacker said:

I had started moving my funds into SAXO (Also have a connection with TV), but now IBKR is on board it's a no brainer.  Plus SAXO and IBKR offer more advanced order types that IG unfortunately do not offer in their share-trading platform.

SAXO don't offer spread betting anymore. It's a shame IG can't get tradingview integration over the line, given that they apparently have been offering it to new customers for years.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

There are many useful features provided by Trading View, here are some of them which I frequently used:

- Setting a 10min ema or a 60min ema on a 5min chart at ease such as:

   - just display a EMA on a 5 min chart, ema option provide using different time frame such as 10min or 60min;

- Setting all kinds of alerts at ease, such as:

   - alerts when indicators crossing, greater than or less than some values, price breaking out some values etc

- Using different values on indicators ease, such as:

   - Use open; close; OHLC etc calculating ema

 I highly support the idea of integration with Trading View. 

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  • 1 month later...

I recently joined TV, with a Pro+ and IG still not listed as a broker.  One of the biggest drawdowns of the IG charts (both on platform and in MT4) is the use by IG of a 6 days week (SUN-FRI), whereas any reliable charting platform uses 5 days (MON-FRI). The consequences are potentially quite impactful, as many calculations are WRONG (before there is a discussion about this: you can not give a few hours on Sunday night the same weighting as a full trading day like the rest of the week).

Apart from the obvious wrong calculations of indicators that use daily closings (such as any moving average. MACD, DMI, etc), other indicators you might rely on in trading shorter time frames need to be ignored, such as Fibonacci pivots on Mondays.  I'm surprised this is not of greater concern to the trading community and even more so to IG. TV and the current brokers offering their pricing are showing a 5-day week. 

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Why are we getting no update in this subject.

The integration with tradingview is very important for lot of your clients me included.

At this rate IG will lose lot of customers.

Juste give us clear answer if it will be done or not and in what year 2023, 2024, 2030 ??


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On 04/10/2022 at 09:34, Sygna said:

I recently joined TV, with a Pro+ and IG still not listed as a broker.  One of the biggest drawdowns of the IG charts (both on platform and in MT4) is the use by IG of a 6 days week (SUN-FRI), whereas any reliable charting platform uses 5 days (MON-FRI). The consequences are potentially quite impactful, as many calculations are WRONG (before there is a discussion about this: you can not give a few hours on Sunday night the same weighting as a full trading day like the rest of the week).

Apart from the obvious wrong calculations of indicators that use daily closings (such as any moving average. MACD, DMI, etc), other indicators you might rely on in trading shorter time frames need to be ignored, such as Fibonacci pivots on Mondays.  I'm surprised this is not of greater concern to the trading community and even more so to IG. TV and the current brokers offering their pricing are showing a 5-day week. 


16 hours ago, Abrad said:


Why are we getting no update in this subject.

The integration with tradingview is very important for lot of your clients me included.

At this rate IG will lose lot of customers.

Juste give us clear answer if it will be done or not and in what year 2023, 2024, 2030 ??


Hi @Sygna and @Abrad

Thanks for reaching out.

Apologies we are unable to be specific with a time frame however there are a number of moving parts. IG on TradingView can possibly expect it live around Q1, 2023  We will continue to give updates and feedback.


All the best - MongiIG

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope we do see it then... As a developer, I can tell you this should be a fairly trivial piece of work, easily done in a week or two, so it's pretty disappointing that this thread has been going for years... I don't know what the devs are working on, but IG is definitely lagging in multiple places compared to competitors these days. It's a shame for long term customers like myself, who feel a sense of loyalty, but who are also aware of the time/costs to my charting time etc when things like this take literally years to roll out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

For the ones saying many brokers are on TW, isnt totally true. Most just have Forex pairs.

So if IG goes for more than Forex it takes time, but concidering that IG is mostly CFD based, its internal data and jsut need the execution to run trough a TW chart and a link. Well if Pro Real Time can do it TW can too.

BTW im happy with Pro Real Time, they have developed a lot of tools, some are better that TW, some aren so userfriendly. Overall look and feel trading my stationary with screen tempaltes and all im more happy about PRT. What i do need though is a way to watch my trades afay from the desk, on multible platfiorms like TW.

I need to buy a laptop, PRT doesnt provide any useful app. And trades executed trough IG Native platform, doesnt show up in my PRT tradinglog and statistics. Cant have it all. But in my situation trading index CFDs i will never come back to TW. A tweaked PRT without the standard theme looks way better, totally crisp and not blurry like TW at all, and perfect when using different themes on multiple screens.

Trading stocks, i might use PRT as well and stay with it. They haveso much new user requests in pipeline.

Happy trading folks...

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  • 3 months later...

I just downloaded ProRealTime and was fascinated how it works, and i wish to be more comfortable with it, even though i am a heavy leaner on TradingView i love the looks so far from pro real time, i wish i qualify as a user for it with the demands that it has from ig to be a free-service. (if i inturpreted it right) 

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@BjornTrading PRT is a good tool, it has a very simple scripting language for trade automation, but I still prefer TV. I've moved away most of my funds to IBKR for lots of reasons and they have TV integration. 

I really like IG and wish to continue using them for investing, but the new fee structure makes it impossible to remain with them. 

IG web trading charts are good enough even though they have not fixed the volume issue when viewing stocks. I reported the issue months ago, dev team acknowledged that the bug is confirmed but no fix yet. The volume issue affects your VWAP as well, to fix it you need to close and reopen the chart.


But TV overall is a superior platform and it just works.


IG you promised integration in Q1, but still nothing?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

We acknowledge that there has been a considerable delay in rolling out the integration with Tradingview, and we are exerting our utmost efforts to make it happen. Our team is aware of the numerous inquiries about this matter and is striving to expedite the launch.
Regrettably, we cannot provide a definite ETA at this time. Nevertheless, we will keep you informed by sending notifications and posting updates on our website and community page.

Thank you,

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...
On 23/05/2023 at 04:27, AshishIG said:

Hi All,

We acknowledge that there has been a considerable delay in rolling out the integration with Tradingview, and we are exerting our utmost efforts to make it happen. Our team is aware of the numerous inquiries about this matter and is striving to expedite the launch.
Regrettably, we cannot provide a definite ETA at this time. Nevertheless, we will keep you informed by sending notifications and posting updates on our website and community page.

Thank you,

Is this ever going to happen? YES or NO answer please!

If YES, a firm date please.


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