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1 hour ago, Eurobonus said:

This is totally unacceptable. When markets are extremely volatile, IG shuts down the system so can't execute any trades. Tried to call and just get cut off.  LOST SO MUCH MONEY because of this.

Anyone else thinks this is outrageous by IG?

YES! absolutely it happens repeatedly which is nothing less a malicious action by the IG. At some times it even prevents to adjust stop loss or a limit order resulting  in a serious MONEY LOSS 


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Guest screen frozen

whole screen frozen, not able to execute my trades on time, so lag, it was profit mean to be and turned into big loss, really stress me out, i been waiting months for this silver price rise, now lost all my money, and its so frustrated and affect you emotionally after losing money when you not meant to.....

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As anyone from IG alive, 


slipage is one thing having to hold the bag for 15 point swings because the platform goes down is unacceptable, if you platform can’t process the orders suspend at least suspend instruments  This is crazy 

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2 minutes ago, nit2wynit said:

Unfortunately I've been with IG for 2 years now and lost a relatively small amount of money because of Platform Issues that have always been unresolved.  It's part of the package it seems.  It's simply a very poor retail experience.

Are you saying nit2wynit that IG take no accountability for execution issues?

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3 hours ago, Eurobonus said:

This is totally unacceptable. When markets are extremely volatile, IG shuts down the system so can't execute any trades. Tried to call and just get cut off.  LOST SO MUCH MONEY because of this.

Anyone else thinks this is outrageous by IG?

Have you asked them to credit you ?  Ive had such issues in the past and got a refund


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2 minutes ago, Morpheus said:

Have you asked them to credit you ?  Ive had such issues in the past and got a refund

Can't even get through either via phone or online chat. So I am giving up on IG and will leave the worst review ever. Perhaps one technical glitch, but over the last 2 days the same issue and I have the same issue before with IG when there is high volatility. But this time I got thoroughly burned. On top of that, they created a phantom trade which I never did which lost me a lot on top of not being able to close positions.

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2 minutes ago, Ikechukwu said:

Thanks. Will try out their demo. 

No worries. Admittedly they haven't the same range of stocks as IG *yet*, but they are adding at a really fast pace and personally I love the way the leverage works on there and the charts etc, everything is just super smooth and fast. I find IG a bit laggy, uptime not always great, fees and spread much worse, the only thing that is good with IG is their support, but if I am using a trading interface 12 hours a day, i want it to be outstanding and IG just isn't that and won't be anytime soon unfortunately, because it is built on old tech. It hogs resources massively in the browser.

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I resorted to screen recording all of my issues.  I had no replies from email and chat was useless too.  I've personally tagged Charlotte from IG into my questions but no longer get any replies.  Maybe there is a Legit reason for this I don't know.

What I do know is that for 2 years using either Demo OR Live EVERY SINGLE DAY, I can no longer count the amount of issues I've experienced with a decent amount of them actually costing me money for one reason or another.

The last time I had Charlotte's attention she advised me to email support, which I did.  They did eventually get back to me saying they had 'No Issues' with their Platform, and that I should check My End!  My End is/was  perfect!

I then sent video evidence of my issues and have had no contact with IG since.  That was very early 2019.

I've accepted it's not perfect.  However today, my Share Dealing Platform froze, malfunctioned call it whatever you like, at US Open 2.30pm.  It' was not useable until 2.50pm.  By then a lot of my shares had taken a dip.  It then malfunctioned again for roughly 5 mintues.

I'm clearly not the only one having problems with this platform.........but It's clearly my fault!  Why am I still here?

There's plenty of Chat in here, but you only need to go to Technical or Platform related Forums to see there are almost Zero annswers to the many questions asked.

It's wrong to assume that because only a small amount of people complain that the issues are random and isoltated.

However, it's doesn't take a genius to see how many people are actually Active on this Forum, how much Support is actually provided and the negative effect it's having with IG.

I am not an advocate of Stike Action.  i am not a rotten apple.  I am not a Troll.  I am a grown up Professional person.

We either accept it, or find another platform.

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so today i was locked out of a spread bet position +£4000 on AMC.

as if it wasnt bad enough you constanly locking the platform up every single tim the stock went up or down.

you also locked trades so i couldn't open a new possition to sure up my losses.

seccondly to this and more importantly i couldnt move my  stop loss position, so i couldn't move my stop loss to avoid beeing closed out despite having sufficent funds in my account. resulting in losing in excess of £30,000.

how is this legal. locking people out of trades and limiting there stop positions so they have no chioce other than to just lose money.

FCA need to be involved i think.

can you please explaine to me how this is even legal.

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45 minutes ago, mfdoom420 said:

I've moved to FTX already 100% up time and they have synthetic stocks, so you don't have these constant limitations on trading stocks all the time as I get on IG, PLUS lower fees.

Unfortunately I've just tried FTX and their Timeframes is only 1minute at it's lowest, not 1sec 10 sec like here and the price on screen is well behind that of IG.  I haven't actually registered but you can see the Market action on screen.

Can you confirm the difference in Price Action and Timeframe Limits?

Edited by nit2wynit
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I also lost money and the opportunity for a large amount of profit due to the IG site not working at crucial times and the corruptness of the market closures with GME and AMC manipulating  prices/spread and not letting people buy and forcing the price down. I can see some class action lawsuits coming very soon for the industry...

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1 hour ago, nit2wynit said:

I resorted to screen recording all of my issues.  I had no replies from email and chat was useless too.  I've personally tagged Charlotte from IG into my questions but no longer get any replies.  Maybe there is a Legit reason for this I don't know.

What I do know is that for 2 years using either Demo OR Live EVERY SINGLE DAY, I can no longer count the amount of issues I've experienced with a decent amount of them actually costing me money for one reason or another.

The last time I had Charlotte's attention she advised me to email support, which I did.  They did eventually get back to me saying they had 'No Issues' with their Platform, and that I should check My End!  My End is/was  perfect!

I then sent video evidence of my issues and have had no contact with IG since.  That was very early 2019.

I've accepted it's not perfect.  However today, my Share Dealing Platform froze, malfunctioned call it whatever you like, at US Open 2.30pm.  It' was not useable until 2.50pm.  By then a lot of my shares had taken a dip.  It then malfunctioned again for roughly 5 mintues.

I'm clearly not the only one having problems with this platform.........but It's clearly my fault!  Why am I still here?

There's plenty of Chat in here, but you only need to go to Technical or Platform related Forums to see there are almost Zero annswers to the many questions asked.

It's wrong to assume that because only a small amount of people complain that the issues are random and isoltated.

However, it's doesn't take a genius to see how many people are actually Active on this Forum, how much Support is actually provided and the negative effect it's having with IG.

I am not an advocate of Stike Action.  i am not a rotten apple.  I am not a Troll.  I am a grown up Professional person.

We either accept it, or find another platform.

you come out with this old story every time there's a major outage. I remember IG spending time to sort it 2 years ago and came to the conclusion that as you were having problems almost daily and no one else was the cause must be on your side, they obviously see no reason to change their original decision.


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It's obvious what caused it. This isn't normal market behaviour. Clearing firms are having collateral issues at the DTC due to the volatility causing DTC to jack rates to 100%. They're preventing opening trades because their clearing firms literally don't have any cash on hand to fund the 2 day settlement cycle.

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Same happening to me today . As I advised yesterday IG will only understand when there is a mass exodus of clients leaving the company. They delibrately do this to us because they know that there is no one to account for. Even the management of company looks like they are all Correpted and Dont listen to customers. 

I have already made arrangements to shipment my trades to Another Broker . Sooner everybody does the better . Good Luck 

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13 minutes ago, bapu1 said:


Same happening to me today . As I advised yesterday IG will only understand when there is a mass exodus of clients leaving the company. They delibrately do this to us because they know that there is no one to account for. Even the management of company looks like they are all Correpted and Dont listen to customers. 

I have already made arrangements to shipment my trades to Another Broker . Sooner everybody does the better . Good Luck 

another one who keeps promising to go to another broker but just never seems to get round to it 🤔


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19 minutes ago, bapu1 said:


Same happening to me today . As I advised yesterday IG will only understand when there is a mass exodus of clients leaving the company. They delibrately do this to us because they know that there is no one to account for. Even the management of company looks like they are all Correpted and Dont listen to customers. 

I have already made arrangements to shipment my trades to Another Broker . Sooner everybody does the better . Good Luck 

Well I am leaving IG. What happens when there is high volatility is totally unacceptable.  It is not just poor service, but they are CHEATING their customers out of millions. So why would you continue to trade on such a platform. 

Perhaps start a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT?  I am game for it.

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